1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How many players are on a Rugby Union team?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 13
D) 20

Question 2. How long is each half of a rugby game?
A) 30 minutes
B) 35 minutes
C) 40 minutes
D) 45 minutes

Question 3. How is a try scored in rugby?
A) By kicking the ball over the crossbar between the opponent's goalposts
B) By dropping the ball and kicking it after it bounces
C) By touching the ball to the ground behind the opponent's goal line
D) By scoring a penalty goal after the other team breaks the rules

Question 4. How is a penalty goal scored in rugby?
A) By kicking the ball over the crossbar between the opponent's goalposts
B) By dropping the ball and kicking it after it bounces
C) By touching the ball to the ground behind the opponent's goal line
D) By scoring a penalty goal after the other team breaks the rules

Question 5. What is a scrum in rugby?
A) A way to put the ball in play
B) A type of tackle that forces the player to the ground
C) A type of tackle that stops and holds the player motionless
D) A unique feature of rugby that involves players linking their arms and bending forward to form a tightly packed group