1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What equipment is used in rock climbing to ensure safety?
A) Ropes, carabiners, and harnesses
B) Pads, helmets, and knee pads
C) Skis, snowboard, and goggles
D) Golf clubs, tennis racket, and basketball

Question 2. What is free climbing?
A) Climbing with the use of safety equipment to help the person do the climb
B) Climbing on short, low routes
C) Climbing alone without the use of any rope or protection system
D) Climbing with the use of anchors, ropes, and protection to back up the climber, but not actively used to help the person do the climb

Question 3. What is solo climbing?
A) Climbing with a partner
B) Climbing with a rope backup in case of fall
C) Climbing alone without the use of any rope or protection system
D) Climbing with the rope already anchored at the top of the route

Question 4. What is lead climbing?
A) Climbing with the rope already anchored at the top of the route
B) Climbing with the use of anchors, ropes, and protection to back up the climber, but not actively used to help the person do the climb
C) Climbing with the rope not on top yet, where the climber must tie the rope to their harness and then climb up the wall
D) Climbing alone without the use of any rope or protection system

Question 5. Which type of climbing is considered the safest?
A) Bouldering
B) Solo climbing
C) Lead climbing
D) Top roping