1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is Thai boxing also known as?
A) The art of eight limbs
B) The art of four limbs
C) The art of six limbs
D) The art of ten limbs

Question 2. What are the low kicks, elbows, and knees considered to be in Thai boxing?
A) More effective than high kicks in the head
B) Less effective than high kicks in the head
C) Equal in effectiveness to high kicks in the head
D) Only used in religious ceremonies

Question 3. What is the training for Thai boxing known for?
A) Its gentleness and flexibility
B) Its speed and agility
C) Its strong and firmness
D) Its emphasis on spiritual development

Question 4. Which martial art did Thai boxing influence the development of?
A) Judo
B) Karate
C) Kickboxing
D) Tae Kwon Do

Question 5. How do the attacks and defence in Thai boxing compare to those in other martial arts such as boxing or karate?
A) They are faster but less powerful
B) They are slower but more powerful
C) They are equally fast and powerful
D) They are neither fast nor powerful