1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How many players does a good game of dodgeball typically have?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 10
D) 15

Question 2. In which version of dodgeball is one player trying to hit all the other players with the ball?
A) One team against another team
B) One player against all the other players
C) Every man for himself
D) Circle dodge

Question 3. In circle dodge, what happens if a dodger within the circle manages to catch the ball?
A) The thrower is out of the game and the dodger who caught the ball can try to hit a player on the outside circle.
B) The dodger is out of the game and the thrower can try to hit a player on the outside circle.
C) The game is over and the dodger who caught the ball wins.
D) The thrower is out of the game and the dodger who caught the ball becomes the thrower.

Question 4. In the every-man-for-himself version of dodgeball, what happens if a dodger catches the ball thrown at them?
A) They are out of the game and the thrower becomes the dodger.
B) They are out of the game and the game is over.
C) They become the thrower and can try to hit the other players.
D) They are out of the game and the thrower becomes the dodger.

Question 5. How is dodgeball similar to an ancient Greek game called ostrakinda?
A) Both games involve a large, soft rubber ball.
B) Both games are played with a ball that is the size of a beachball.
C) Both games are played with a ball that is the size of a volleyball.
D) Both games are played by children.