1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What does a group of judges rate divers on during a competition?
A) How high they can jump
B) How long they can hold their breath underwater
C) How cleanly they enter the water
D) How well they perform the moves of the dive

Question 2. How high above the water are platforms located in diving competitions?
A) 3.3 feet
B) 9.8 feet
C) 16.4 feet
D) 32.8 feet

Question 3. What is the tuck position in diving?
A) The body is held straight, with no bending at the hips or knees.
B) There is a bend at the hips but the legs are kept straight and close together.
C) Both hips and knees are bent and the body resembles a ball.
D) The body is turned upside down with the feet in the air.

Question 4. What are three basic positions for diving?
A) Straight, pike, tuck
B) Tuck, straight, pike
C) Pike, tuck, straight
D) Straight, pike, somersault

Question 5. How do divers start a dive in competition?
A) By standing on their hands at the edge of the platform
B) By jumping off the springboard or platform
C) By falling straight forward
D) All of the above