1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is a nectarine?
A) A type of apple
B) A type of citrus fruit
C) A smooth-skinned variety of peach
D) A type of plum

Question 2. How are nectarines and peaches different from each other?
A) Nectarines have smooth skin and peaches have fuzzy skin
B) Nectarines have red flesh and peaches have yellow flesh
C) Nectarines are grown in the Northern Hemisphere and peaches are grown in the Southern Hemisphere
D) Nectarines have smaller stones and peaches have larger stones

Question 3. Which of the following statements about the stones and kernels of nectarines and peaches is NOT true?
A) They are alike in appearance
B) They may be freestone types or clingstones
C) Freestone types have ripe flesh that separates easily from the stone
D) Clingstones have flesh that adheres firmly to the stone

Question 4. What are nectarines a source of?
A) Protein and fiber
B) Vitamins A and C
C) Iron and calcium
D) Folic acid and potassium

Question 5. How can nectarines sometimes appear on peach trees?
A) Through cross-pollination or self-pollination
B) Through the process of bud variation or bud sporting
C) By being grafted onto peach trees
D) By being grown from seeds that carry the dominant allele for smooth skin