1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is a smoothie made of?
A) Pureed raw fruit and/or vegetables
B) Fruit juice, dairy products, and ice cream
C) Non-dairy milk, crushed ice, and sweeteners
D) All of the above

Question 2. What is the consistency of a smoothie compared to?
A) Fruit juice
B) A milkshake
C) A lassi
D) A protein shake

Question 3. Can smoothies be marketed as a healthier option than milkshakes?
A) Yes, if they include vegetables
B) No, they are equally unhealthy
C) Yes, if they use non-dairy milk and sweeteners
D) No, they are not typically marketed as such

Question 4. Can fruit juice in a smoothie contribute to weight gain?
A) No, fruit juice is always healthy
B) Yes, if it contains high amounts of sugar
C) Yes, if it is used as a meal replacement
D) No, it is not possible to gain weight from fruit juice

Question 5. When did the term "smoothie" first start being used in recipes and trademarks?
A) The 1930s
B) The 1980s
C) The 1990s
D) The 2000s