1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the color of amber?
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Yellow

Question 2. What is the meaning of yellow on road signs in the United States?
A) Stop
B) Warning
C) Yield
D) Speed limit

Question 3. What colors do inkjet printers use?
A) Red, blue, and green
B) Magenta, cyan, and yellow
C) Red, orange, and yellow
D) Green, purple, and pink

Question 4. What is the color associated with royalty in China?
A) Red
B) Blue
C) Green
D) Yellow

Question 5. How does the phrase "yellow" used to be used?
A) As a sign of cowardice
B) As a sign of royalty
C) As a sign of happiness
D) As a sign of envy