1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the main source of ivory?
A) Elephants
B) Walruses
C) Wild boars
D) Hippopotamuses

Question 2. What are some uses of ivory?
A) Piano keys, combs, knife and umbrella handles, billiard balls, and similar objects
B) Jewelry and art objects
C) Plastic or other artificial materials
D) Vegetable ivory from the South American ivory nut palm

Question 3. What is the average length and weight of tusks from African elephants?
A) 6 feet and 23 kilograms
B) 3 feet and 15 kilograms
C) 9 feet and 35 kilograms
D) 4 feet and 20 kilograms

Question 4. What is the current status of elephants?
A) Not endangered
B) Vulnerable
C) Endangered
D) Extinct

Question 5. What action has been taken to protect elephants?
A) Most international trade of ivory is banned
Elephant hunting is illegal
C) Elephant conservation organizations have been established
D) All of the above