1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How is the color gray often described?
A) As a cool, neutral, and balanced color
B) As an emotionless, moody color associated with loss or depression
C) As a feminine color
D) As a masculine color

Question 2. How is the color gray spelled in the United States?
A) Grey
B) Gray
C) Gréy
D) Grày

Question 3. What is the first recorded use of the color gray as a color name in English?
A) 700
B) 1400
C) 1900
D) 2500

Question 4. What is the color gray often associated with?
A) Positive emotions and feelings
B) Neutrality and balance
C) Femininity
D) Masculinity

Question 5. How does the color gray affect the mind and body?
A) By causing calming and soothing feelings
B) By causing unsettling feelings
C) By causing excitement and energy
D) By causing happiness and joy