1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is brown in the visible spectrum?
A) Low intensity light
B) High intensity light
C) Invisible light
D) No light

Question 2. What are the colors that make up brown, according to the article?
A) Orange, yellow, red, green, blue, and purple
B) Orange, yellow, red, green, and blue
C) Orange, yellow, and red
D) Yellow and green

Question 3. How is brown associated with color psychology, according to the article?
A) It is a color of sincerity, reliability, honesty, and loyalty
B) It is a color of excitement, passion, and aggression
C) It is a color of calm, tranquility, and serenity
D) It is a color of sadness, depression, and melancholy

Question 4. In what ways is brown associated with nature and the outdoors, according to the article?
A) It is associated with natural organic health products and farming
B) It is associated with the ocean and beach vacations
C) It is associated with winter sports and skiing
D) It is associated with the city and urban life

Question 5. How is the color brown often perceived by people, according to the article?
A) As attractive, interesting, and sophisticated
B) As unattractive, boring, dull, simple, and uninteresting
C) As bright, vibrant, and energetic
D) As dark, mysterious, and exotic