1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What scientific group do ravens belong to?
A) Songbirds
B) Waterfowl
C) Gamebirds
D) Seabirds

Question 2. In which continents are ravens found?
A) North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa
B) Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia
C) North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia
D) North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia

Question 3. How do ravens differ from crows in appearance?
A) Ravens are smaller and have smaller bills
B) Ravens have shaggier feathers and more white or brown markings
C) Ravens are larger and have bigger bills
D) Ravens have less shaggy feathers and fewer white or brown markings

Question 4. What is included in ravens' diet?
A) Mice, insects, grain, and eggs
B) Dead animals, garbage, insects, and grain
C) Mice, dead animals, eggs, and garbage
D) Insects, grain, eggs, and dead animals

Question 5. What is the color of most ravens' feathers?
A) Black
B) White
C) Brown
D) Blue