1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How long is the body of a quail?
A) 4.5 inches
B) 7.8 inches
C) 10 inches
D) 12 inches

Question 2. What colors can quails be?
A) Blue, black, brown, and white
B) Green, yellow, red, and purple
C) Black, gray, white, and brown
D) Blue, green, yellow, and pink

Question 3. How far can quails fly?
A) 50 miles
B) 100 miles
C) 300 miles
D) Short distances

Question 4. What makes up 95% of a quail's diet?
A) Plant matter
B) Insects
C) Meat
D) Fish

Question 5. What kind of environment do quails live in?
A) Forests and mountains
B) Beaches and deserts
C) Woodlands, croplands, and open spaces with bushes
D) Urban areas and cities