1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What family do mongooses belong to?
A) Felidae
B) Canidae
C) Herpestidae
D) Mustelidae

Question 2. What do mongooses mostly eat?
A) Insects
B) Rodents
C) Fish
D) Birds

Question 3. What are mongooses known for their ability to do?
A) Fight and kill venomous snakes, particularly cobras
B) Solve simple tricks
C) Live for a long time in the wild
D) Both A and B

Question 4. Why is it illegal to import most species of mongooses into certain countries?
A) Because they are destructive to small, ground-based fauna
B) Because they are not good at controlling vermin
C) Because they are not good at learning tricks
D) Because they are endangered

Question 5. How long is the average lifespan of a mongoose in captivity?
A) Ten years
B) Fifteen years
C) Twenty years
D) Twenty-five years