1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What family do lobsters belong to?
A) Nephropidae
B) Homaridae
C) Crayfish
D) Both A and B

Question 2. What is the hard shell on a lobster made of?
A) Chitin
B) Calcium
C) Keratin
D) Iron

Question 3. What do lobsters do when they need to grow bigger?
A) They swim backwards quickly
B) They hide until they grow a new hard shell
C) They change color
D) They grow new parts of their body

Question 4. How do lobsters move when they are in danger and need to escape?
A) By swimming backwards quickly
B) By walking on the bottom of the sea floor
C) By changing color
D) By growing new parts of their body

Question 5. How fast can lobsters move when they swim backwards quickly?
A) 5 meters every second
B) 10 meters every second
C) 15 meters every second
D) 20 meters every second