1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is another name for ladybugs?
A) Ladybird beetles
B) Lady beetles
C) Ladybugs
D) All of the above

Question 2. What colors can ladybugs be?
A) Red or yellow with black spots
B) Black and white
C) Orange and blue
D) All of the above

Question 3. What is the most popular species of ladybug in North America?
A) Seven-spotted black-and-red ladybug
B) Nine-spotted black-and-yellow ladybug
C) Eleven-spotted black-and-orange ladybug
D) Fifteen-spotted black-and-blue ladybug

Question 4. What do ladybugs eat?
A) Aphids
B) White flies
C) Scale insects
D) All of the above

Question 5. How long is the life cycle of a ladybug?
A) Four to ten days
B) Seven to ten days
C) Two years
D) It varies by species