1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. Where is the impala found?
A) Eastern and southern Africa
B) Western and northern Africa
C) Central and South America
D) Europe and Asia

Question 2. How large and heavy is the impala?
A) 70-92 cm at the shoulder and 40-76 kg
B) 50-60 cm at the shoulder and 20-30 kg
C) 120-150 cm at the shoulder and 100-120 kg
D) 90-105 cm at the shoulder and 70-85 kg

Question 3. What is the primary activity period of the impala?
A) Night
B) Day
C) Early morning and late evening
D) Afternoon

Question 4. What is the primary method of defense for the impala against predators?
A) Concealing itself in vegetation
B) Making loud vocalizations
C) Making long jumps over vegetation
D) Making series of jumps and kicking its hindlegs mid-air

Question 5. What is the primary food source for the impala?
A) Soft grasses
B) Succulent vegetation
C) Fruits and berries
D) Insects and small animals