1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. How big are humpback whales?
A) They can grow to 15-16 m long and weigh up to 40 metric tons.
B) They can grow to 25-26 m long and weigh up to 80 metric tons.
C) They can grow to 10-12 m long and weigh up to 20 metric tons.
D) They can grow to 5-6 m long and weigh up to 10 metric tons.

Question 2. How long do humpback whales live?
A) Up to 20 years
B) Up to 30 years
C) Up to 45 years
D) Up to 60 years

Question 3. What do humpback whales eat?
A) Krill and small fish such as herring, capelin, and sand lance
B) Large fish and squid
C) Seals and sea lions
D) Jellyfish and plankton

Question 4. How do humpback whales hunt for their food?
A) By chasing down their prey
B) By sneaking up on their prey
C) By rounding up their prey with a curtain of bubbles
D) By using echolocation

Question 5. Why do male humpback whales sing?
A) To attract females
B) To scare away other males
C) To communicate with their pod
D) It is not yet known