1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the most venomous spider in North America?
A) Black widow
B) Brown recluse
C) Wolf spider
D) Jumping spider

Question 2. What does the female black widow eat after mating?
A) Flies and mosquitoes
B) Grasshoppers and beetles
C) The male spider
D) Caterpillars

Question 3. How does the black widow catch its prey?
A) It uses its comb feet to wrap the prey in silk
B) It pounces on the prey and captures it with its fangs
C) It uses its webs to ensnare the prey
D) It lures the prey in with its red-orange hourglass pattern

Question 4. What is the size difference between the male and female black widow?
A) The male is larger than the female
B) The male is the same size as the female
C) The male is half the size of the female
D) The male is twice the size of the female

Question 5. How does the black widow kill its prey?
A) It wraps the prey in silk and suffocates it
B) It injects digestive enzymes that liquify the prey
C) It uses its fangs to puncture the prey and sucks out its blood
D) It crushes the prey with its powerful legs