1. Reading Comprehension Test for the Topic: Armadillo

 Directions: You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the order of placental mammals that armadillos belong to?
A) Cingulata
B) Carnivora
C) Rodentia
D) Primates

Question 2. What is the average length of an armadillo?
A) 10 cm
B) 25 cm
C) 75 cm
D) 100 cm

Question 3. What is the main food source for armadillos?
A) Insects and larvae
B) Small vertebrates
C) Fruits
D) Plants

Question 4. What is the main habitat of armadillos?
A) Forests
B) Grasslands
C) Deserts
D) Cold regions

Question 5. How do armadillos hunt for food?
A) They use their keen sense of smell to locate prey.
B) They use their sharp claws to dig for insects.
C) They use their sticky tongues to extract insects from their tunnels.
D) All of the above.