1. Reading Comprehension Test for the Topic: Aphid

 Directions: You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What do aphids feed on?
A) Plant sap
B) Insects
C) Other aphids
D) Honeydew

Question 2. What is the sugary liquid waste produced by aphids called?
A) Honeydew
B) Nectar
C) Pollen
D) Sap

Question 3. What is the main effect of heavy aphid infestations on plants?
A) Plant leaves wilt or turn yellow.
B) Plant leaves become severely distorted.
C) Plant flowers and fruit become malformed.
D) Plant leaves turn black.

Question 4. What is the main concern with aphid feeding on plants?
A) The feeding itself may harm plants.
B) Aphids can carry and transmit plant viruses.
C) Aphids attract other insects that can damage plants.
D) The honeydew produced by aphids can coat plants and cause sooty mold.

Question 5. What is the most effective way to control plant viruses transmitted by aphids?
A) Insecticides
B) Resistant varieties or sequential plantings
C) Ant control
D) Aphid control