1. Reading Comprehension Test for the Topic: Antelope

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What does the term "wastebasket taxon" mean?
A) A taxon that includes a diverse range of species
B) A taxon that includes only a few species
C) A taxon that is no longer considered valid
D) A taxon that includes only extinct species

Question 2. What is the ecological niche that antelopes occupy?
A) The niche occupied by deer in North America
B) The niche occupied by deer in Africa
C) The niche occupied by deer in Asia
D) The niche occupied by deer in Europe

Question 3. What is the ecological niche of antelopes?
A) The same as deer north of the Sahara
B) Grassy plains
C) Forests
D) Deserts

Question 4. What is the taxonomic family of antelope?
A) Bovidae
B) Antilocapridae
C) Cervidae
D) Caprinae

Question 5. Wastebasket taxon: a grouping of organisms that are not necessarily closely related, but are placed together because they do not fit in any other established taxon
Bovidae: the family of mammals that includes cattle, sheep, buffalo, bison, goats, and antelopes
Ecological niche: the role and position of a species within its environment, including how it obtains its food, shelter, and other necessities
Browser: an animal that feeds on leaves, shoots, and twigs of woody plants
Grasslands: areas of land dominated by grasses rather than trees or shrubs