1. Reading Comprehension Test for the Topic: Anaconda

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the largest known living snake in the world?
A) Anaconda
B) Green anaconda
C) Reticulated python
D) Boa

Question 2. In which part of the world are anacondas found?
A) South America
B) Africa
C) Southeast Asia
D) East Indies

Question 3. What is the average number of baby snakes that anacondas give birth to at one time?
A) 1 to 2
B) 3 to 4
C) 5 to 6
D) 20 to 40

Question 4. What do young anacondas, also known as neonates, typically eat?
A) Small rodents like rats and mice
B) Baby birds, frogs, and small fish
C) Pigs, deer, and birds
D) Fish, rodents, and other animals

Question 5. How does the anaconda hunt and kill its prey?
A) It bites and injects venom
B) It wraps its body around the prey and crushes it
C) It strangles the prey with its tail
D) It constricts the prey until it can no longer breathe, sometimes drowning it