1. Reading Comprehension Test for the Topic: Alpaca

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What are the two main types of alpacas?
A) Huacaya and suri
B) Vicuna and huacaya
C) Suri and llama
D) Huacaya and llama

Question 2. What is the main difference between huacaya and suri alpacas?
A) Price and rarity
B) Price and appearance
C) Appearance and maintenance
D) Maintenance and rarity

Question 3. What are alpacas commonly used for?
A) Carrying burdens
B) Producing fiber
C) Guarding herds
D) All of the above

Question 4. What should alpaca fabric be washed in?
A) Cold water
B) Hot water
C) Warm water
D) It doesn't need to be washed

Question 5. What are alpacas commonly used to chase away?
A) Foxes and other predators
B) Sheep and goats
C) Chickens
D) Empty bottles