Unraveling "She", "Her", and "Hers" in English Grammar

In English, when we refer to a female individual, the pronouns "she", "her", and "hers" come into play. These words are crucial for precise and correct reference. This article elucidates the roles and differences of these three pronouns.

1. What are "She", "Her", and "Hers"?

  • She: A subject pronoun that refers to a female person or certain animals perceived as female.

    Example: She is a teacher.

  • Her: Can function as both a possessive adjective and an object pronoun.

    As an adjective: I borrowed her book. As an object pronoun: I met her at the park.

  • Hers: A possessive pronoun indicating something belongs to or is associated with a female.

    Example: The choice is hers.

2. What Tense Uses "She", "Her", and "Hers"?

These pronouns are versatile and can be used in sentences of any tense, be it past, present, or future.


  • She danced gracefully last night. (Past)
  • This is her pen. (Present)
  • The decision will be hers. (Future)

3. How to Use "She", "Her", and "Hers" in Sentences:

  • She: Always used as a subject.

    Example: She sings beautifully.

  • Her: Denotes possession or serves as an object.

    As an adjective: Her voice is melodious. As an object: He called her.

  • Hers: Stands alone to indicate possession.

    Example: The last piece is hers.

4. The Difference Among "She", "Her", and "Hers":

  • She: Subject pronoun.

    Example: She has a cat.

  • Her: Possessive adjective or object pronoun.

    As an adjective: Her dress is red. As an object: I told her the truth.

  • Hers: Possessive pronoun.

    Example: This bag is hers.

5. Cases Where "She", "Her", and "Hers" Shouldn't Be Used:

  • Using "her" as a subject:

    Incorrect: Her is a dancer. Correct: She is a dancer.

  • Using "she" as an object:

    Incorrect: I saw she at the party. Correct: I saw her at the party.

  • Using "hers" with a noun:

    Incorrect: This is hers bag. Correct: This is her bag.

6. Practice She/Her/Hers Exercises 

What are the differences among "She/Her/Hers" in English? This test was designed for you to practice "She/Her/Hers". The test has 20 questions. Before taking the test, please read the following tips about "She/Her/Hers".


She is a Subject Personal Pronoun

Ex: She can play guitar.


Her is a Possessive Adjective

Ex: This is her guitar.


Hers is a Possessive Pronoun

Ex: That guitar is hers.


Her is an Object Pronoun

Ex: He is taller than her.

In summation, the pronouns "she", "her", and "hers" are fundamental in the English language for denoting female individuals. Proper comprehension and deployment of these terms ensure seamless communication, aiding one in becoming proficient in the language.

Now You'll take a "She/Her/Hers" test.