Are the following sentences correct?

1) I've studied French at university but I've also been trying learn Swedish for the last few years.(trying learn; no comma before "but" ) 2) Lisa Simpson _she took her husband's surname after she got married and is Mrs Brown now_ is the ......(took her husband's surname) 3) I  would tell you ABOUT A /A shocking truth if i were not afraid of being tattled on. 4) When is the verb  "marry" followed by a preposition? What about "married" ? Which prepositions? 5) The book CAN/COULD be useful for ....(any differences between can and could here?)  
9 years ago
Asked 9 years ago

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1) I've studied French at university, but I've also been trying to learn Swedish for the last few years. 2) Lisa Simpson--she took her husband's surname after she got married and is Mrs Brown now--is the... 3) I would tell you (about) a shocking truth... 4) Marry (somebody); be/get married (TO somebody). 5) Can be useful = is possible to be useful; could be useful = was possible to be useful (past)/ would perhaps be useful (conditional)
Answered 9 years ago

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