i want to improve my writing skill? can you help me?

now I am a student who study at ACE school which called " Australia center Education" .. now I am in IELTS level.. for listening.. speaking and reading is quite good , but I have an obstacle with writing about bar chart and graph so i want all friends here give me some solution to solve this problem .. my exam day is coming soon!
13 years ago
Asked 13 years ago
nam voleap

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In my opinion, you should take an academic writing course. If you don't have much time, you can buy or borrow a book that guide you how to overcome the difficulty. This kind of book guides you step by step to write and provide you some tips.
You can google "academic writing book".
Good luck!
Answered 13 years ago

my dear friend there is some methodes for u in which can improve your writing the first you should follow some principle that are essential for you. you can select one subject and start for writting .you should make a reason for each subject you have selected.
Answered 13 years ago

u need to look at the grammar,& many more. u also need to write more.at least 3 times a day.then,ask ur parents/siblings/fiends/teacher to check 4 u. then, u must study ur mistake & don't ever repeat ur mistake..

gud luck my friend.
Answered 13 years ago
misz international 17

In my opinion , the best way to improve your writing skill to to write a lot in English . Try to write a diary in english not in your language , it don't have to be a whole page , just one paragraph . tell your diaries what did you do today , what did you try to understand ,....... stuff like that . Day by day try to add more to if. I'm sure you will getting in writing . Good luck :D
Answered 11 years ago

Your articles are for when it abotsulely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.
Answered 11 years ago

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