Croak, Croaks, Croaked, Croaking Quiz

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Croak, Croaks, Croaked, Croaking Quiz Questions

1. Someone likened his voice to the _____ of a bull-frog.

A. Croaking

B. Croak

C. Croaked

D. Croaks

2. He _____ a reply.

A. Croaks

B. Croak

C. Croaking

D. Croaked

3. 'Help!' she _____, her throat dry with fear.

A. Croaking

B. Croaks

C. Croaked

D. Croak

4. Little Egrets are mostly silent but make various _____ and bubbling calls at their breeding colonies and produce a harsh alarm call when disturbed.

A. Croak

B. Croaked

C. Croaking

D. Croaks

5. He is forever _____ about his problems.

A. Croak

B. Croaking

C. Croaks

D. Croaked

6. _____ gives a sign of body size and prowess.

A. Croaked

B. Croak

C. Croaking

D. Croaks

7. 'I really don't feel too good,' I _____, laying it on with a trowel.

A. Croaks

B. Croaking

C. Croak

D. Croaked

8. The great egret flies with slow wing beats and has a deep, _____ call.

A. Croak

B. Croaked

C. Croaking

D. Croaks

9. They make a sound called a _____.

A. Croak

B. Croaked

C. Croaks

D. Croaking

10. The words came out as a dry _____.

A. Croaks

B. Croaked

C. Croak

D. Croaking

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