Space Probe In Sentences - Examples Of Space Probe In Sentences
Mar 26, 2024
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- That image is made up of thousands of little images taken by a space probe all combined to give a composite image of the whole.
- Unbeknownst to our heroes, the fire was started by a space probe landing.
- Students played important role in the construction of this Hunveyor probe which shows that the training space probe lander model Hunveyor is an intensive experimental tool for education.
- Three other high schools in Hungary also participate in the project of building the space probe model.
- All these activities are involved in the construction and continuous development of a training and experimental space probe model.
- However, just becasue man is an intelligent cause of a space probe does not mean that a space probe is not an intelligent effect.
- Conveniently, Clark Kent has been given a television assignment on the Venus space probe in which he attends with Wendy and Marvin.
- 243 Ida is one of the few asteroids imaged by a space probe.
- The new initiative of experimental space probe model construction uses interactions between measuring instruments and environmental streams.
- A communications satellite that orbits the Earth is not a space probe, but Sputnik 2, a satellite that only orbited Earth, was a space probe.
- This 1999 space probe was lost and could not operate its instruments atthe Martian surface.
- This is not a death, but the end of a space probe mission and the probe itself.
- Raj verbally berates a man who dinged his car door, but calms down on hearing his space probe is fine.
- In September 2012, a space probe collecting moon samples accidentally brought a Bugsted back to Earth.
- The cost of engineering and manufacturing a space probe is not the most significant contribution to the total operating cost.
- While there, Jordan comes away with a Batman Space Probe Set and a Ghost Busters Proton Pack.
- It bonds with Drake, who agrees to take Riot in a Life Foundation space probe to collect the rest of the symbiotes and bring them to Earth.
- It is shown through multiple, reliable sources where this piece of the space probe is the subject of the article.
- Alpha decay can provide a safe power source for radioisotope thermoelectric generators used for space probe.
- Some common installations include house wraps, duct wraps, pipe wraps, under radiant floors, inside wall cavities, roof systems, attic systems, aircraft fuselage systems, space probe systems, and crawl spaces.
- It was the first time that a deep space probe had returned to Earth from interplanetary space.
- After a space probe returns to Earth from Mars with surface samples, which turn out to contain an incurable disease that causes an epidemic, human civilization collapses.
- Unbeknownst to our heroes, the fire was started by a space probe landing.
- Several solar cells were mounted on the outside of the cylinder, and these provided electric power to the storage batteries inside the space probe.
- A robotic spacecraft designed to make scientific research measurements is often called a space probe.
- A gravitational slingshot can carry a space probe onward to other destinations without the expense of reaction mass.
- These flybys provided the space probe with enough momentum to travel all the way out to the asteroid belt.
- Whatever the case, the article on the Deep Impact space probe has been tampered with in and certainly reads in a way that might be funny to a third grader but noone else.
- The space probe was a cylindric canister with hemispheric ends and a wide flange near the top.
- The first use of PPTs was on the Soviet Zond 2 space probe on 30 November 1964.
- The robotic spacecraft lunar space probe Luna 9, Luna 13, Surveyor 1 and Surveyor 3 landed in Oceanus Procellarum.
- A third mission to Mercury, scheduled to arrive in 2025, BepiColombo is to include two space probe.
- Writer Johnny Byrne used only the idea of a space probe from Earth encountering Alpha.
- That is, would it be hard, using exisiting, proven technology, to make a similar space probe travel ten times as fast as these probes?
- Three children on holiday in rural New Zealand find and assemble the parts of what turns out to be a space probe from the Sirius B system.
- Vishby dies after Root leaves him to be crushed by his space probe.
- In this episode, one of the bridge crew struggles with bad news, and they try to retrieve a space probe.
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