Jainism In Sentences - Examples Of Jainism In Sentences
Search your words in sentences https://englishteststore.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20211&Itemid=1131 - Compassion, and also Jainism, founded by Mahavira. - Jainism and Buddhism also have important histories in the state. - Some religious movements, such as the Religious Society of FriendsSociety of Friends and Jainism with Ahimsa, are known for the practice of nonviolence. - The Hindu sects Saivism and Vaishnavism became more dominant, with temples being built and Dravidian architecture being supported by empires replacing the significance of Nastik Jainism and Buddhism of the previous era. - Jainism and Buddhism, took deep roots in the society, giving birth to a large body of ethical poetry. - From the ancient times, Hindus, as well as in many cases, texts of Buddhism and Jainism contain many mantras. - The practice of ahimsa is an important aspect of religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. - A naga is a type of deity in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. - Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Jainism are religions that believe in this. - The largest religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, Judaism and Jainism. - The digambar have a stricter interpretation of Jainism than other sects. - At one time, Jainism was one of the major religions of Tamil people. - The first three religions came from the Indian subcontinent along with Jainism. - Jainism teaches that time has no beginning or end. - The earliest people who practiced Buddhism, Jainism, and the Christian hermits, lived very simply and without luxury. - There is also a Jainism figure of the same name who was said to have traveled to the Himalayas. - Buddhism and Jainism disappeared from the land. - It incorporates the essential sacred texts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, and Islam. - Jainism differs from both Buddhism and Hinduism in its ontological premises. - During this time, Didwana also became the center of Jainism and Hinduism, but due to the Muslim invasions, the ancient temples were destroyed here. - Jainism is similar to Buddhism in not recognizing the primacy of the Vedas and the Hindu Brahman. - It is highly practiced in Jainism. - In Jainism, the consumption of any fruit belonging to this genus is prohibited. - The shape of the Universe as described in Jainism is shown alongside. - Abhisheka is conducted by Hinduism and Jainism priests, by pouring libations on the Murti being worshipped, amidst the chanting of mantras. - Only monks can read the scriptures, as in Jainism, this book has very high spiritual values. - Thus, there are infinite gods in Jainism, all equivalent, liberated, and infinite in the manifestation of all attributes. - Some fruitarians wish, like Jainism, to avoid killing anything, including plants. - In Jainism, Mount Ashtapad in Himalayas is a sacred place where the first Jain Tirthankara, Rishabhanatha attained moksha. - However, the writings of the later Jain writers suggest that Kumarapala was completely devoted to Jainism. - Shrimad Rajchandra, a mystic, poet and philosopher spearheaded the revival of Jainism in Gujarat. - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, and Sikhism, etc., place particular emphasis on altruistic morality. - This tolerance was common among later Ganga kings, who actually took to Jainism in the later centuries. - The Bava Pyara caves contain artworks of both Buddhism and Jainism. - The universe, and the matter and souls within it, is eternal and uncreated, and there is no omnipotent creator deity in Jainism. - The Jain tradition suggests that several Nanda ministers were inclined towards Jainism. - Where do I sign up for Jainism? - Also Doshi surname people follow Jainism in Gujarat region. - The doctrine exists in Hinduism and Buddhism, but is most highly developed in Jainism. - In Jainism, omniscience is considered the highest type of perception. - Early texts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism share the concepts and terminology related to reincarnation. - This period saw the rise of two great philosophical schools of the east, Jainism and Buddhism. - Christianity was followed by 0.13%, Jainism by 0.16%, Sikhism by 0.05% and Buddhism by 0.05%. - Jainism Acharya Hemachandra is the grammarian of Maharashtri Prakrit. - Such sources may also help aid in determining where to place the bulk of content regarding a given subtopic relevant to Jainism. - This has also been the broad course of the spread of Buddhism and Jainism in Bengal. - This place is considered holy in Jainism as well.