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Transcontinental In Sentences - Examples Of Transcontinental In Sentences

visibility 917 views calendar_month Mar 27, 2024

Search your words in sentences - He is completely loyal to Dagny and to Taggart Transcontinental. - Cooke and other entrepreneurs had planned to build the second transcontinental railroad, the Northern Pacific Railway. - Rochester has intercity and transcontinental bus service via Greyhound Lines and Trailways Transportation System. - The transcontinental Lincoln Highway was built through town in the 1920s. - But the end was in sight, as the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad was nearing completion. - In the spring of 1871, Emerson took a trip on the First Transcontinental Railroad, barely two years after its completion. - Early transcontinental auto trails later crossed the state bringing more migrants. - It was traversed by the Lincoln Highway, the first transcontinental highway, in 1913. - It has erroneously been referred to as the first live transcontinental telecast. - Glen Ullin was founded in 1883 along the transcontinental railroad of the Northern Pacific Railway. - This railroad was the westernmost line before the Transcontinental Railroad was constructed. - When the Burlington withdrew its plans for its own transcontinental line, however, the Union Pacific lost interest in extending a line west from Denver. - The transcontinental railroad project was heavily subsidised by the government. - The Pacific Railway Act of 1863 established the standard gauge for the first transcontinental railroad. - The fastest transcontinental crossing between Los Angeles and New York is accomplished in 2 hours 58.71 seconds at an average speed of 1,214.65 mph. - The overinvestment in transcontinental optical fiber capacity led to a financial crisis in private cable operators like Global Crossing. - His choral arrangements of Yiddish, Ladino, and Israeli music comprise The Michael Isaacson Folk Music Series at Transcontinental Music Publications. - Ogden is the closest sizable city to the Golden Spike location at Promontory, Utah, where the First Transcontinental Railroad was joined in 1869. - If it is, Turkey cannot be transcontinental by being split between two continents. - Eddie August Schneider landed and took off August 5, 1930 from Williamsburg during his transcontinental flight. - Triodes made transcontinental telephone service possible. - Turkey is a transcontinental country that spans Europe and Asia; thus Turkish culture is heterogeneous and diversified. - In addition, many Southern business interests feared that a northern transcontinental route would exclude the South from trade with the Orient. - On July 16, 1957, he made the first supersonic transcontinental flight. - Yuma was selected to be a night stop for three transcontinental air races from New York to Los Angeles, and an international air race from Mexico to Los Angeles. - The transcontinental link was effected in 1887, and the population grew from 1,098 in 1880 to 36,006 in 1890. - Sentinel Butte was founded in 1902 along the Transcontinental railroad of the Northern Pacific Railway. - With just one refuelling stop, transcontinental flights across America became possible. - Paul and Pacific Railroad, which was then in the process of constructing a new transcontinental line through the state of Montana. - The operated mileage forms a transcontinental route from Chicago, Ill., to North Pacific Coast points, and from Chicago, Ill., to Omaha, Nebr. - After having three children, Abraham began to tire of the hard mountain life, the Comstock mines had begun to slow production and the establishment of the transcontinental railroad began to negatively affect his Nevada Business. - Finally, on 18 December 2007, the Air Force marked the 104th anniversary of powered flight with the first transcontinental flight of an aircraft using a blend of regular aviation and synthetic fuel. - To protect Taggart Transcontinental from the boycott, Dagny decides to build the Rio Norte Line as an independent company named the John Galt Line. - Consequently, for six months the transcontinental railroad ended at the lip of Canyon Diablo while another bridge was manufactured and shipped to the work site. - The tidelands off Berkeley and Albany were sold by the state in the 1870s, as railroads extended tracks northward along the waterfront from the Oakland terminus of the Transcontinental Railroad. - transcontinental speed record of 1 hour 8 minutes 17 seconds, on what is publicized as its last official flight. - The initial Chinese population came because of the transcontinental railroad, however, the Chinese population never exceeded 400 as of 1941.

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