Clearer In Sentences - Examples Of Clearer In Sentences

visibility 37 views calendar_month Feb 29, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Although the Company was becoming increasingly bold and ambitious in putting down resisting states, it was getting clearer day by day that the Company was incapable of governing the vast expanse of the captured territories. - You should try and make the rules clearer and come up with a different point system. - On September 17, the strengthening became faster and Helene quickly became a Category 2 hurricane that morning as the eye became clearer and surrounded by deeper convection. - I have closed some of the clearer cases today, but I would suggest fellow administrators also do some closings. - Meditation is a practice where an individual trains attention and awareness to get clearer and calmer state. - It is made to help people who do not know English well, or need a clearer explanation of the meaning of a word. - If you get clearer on where it is going and how fast at any time, then you have less of an idea of where it is right now. - Alpine lakes are usually clearer than lower lakes because the cold water reduces the speed and amount of algae and moss growing in the water. - Section headings help make an article clearer and easy to find content. - I think it would be good if everyone were a little clearer on how it applies. - Special English is clearer and simpler, and it uses shorter sentences. - This makes it possible to see smaller items on the footage in a sharper, clearer way. - Hearing aids can help with hearing loss by making sound louder and speech clearer. - If kept, needs work to make it clearer. - This template does not suppress that, since it makes it clearer when it is a secure link. - The presentation needs to be clearer than this. - Art makes up for the deficiencies of natural beauty by bringing the idea into clearer light, by showing the external world in its life and spiritual animation. - I have provided everything required, making the decision much more clearer. - Maybe the thought would be clearer if it was broken up into several short sentences. - Underside similar, hyaline markings clearer. - The two representations are closely related but are usually developed separately because doing so results in a clearer model which captures most of the system constraints. - The first image shows off the full effect, while the second is the result of quick timing on my part, and shows exactly how these paths form, as well as much clearer examples of fractal branching. - I could make it clearer, if its not. - Thanks for your question, this is a perfect example of why a stronger, larger arbcom is needed as well as clearer policies. - I hope this makes the situation clearer, at least. - This meant knights had clearer roles and protocols. - If we could get some confirmation of the number of people in his diocese then that might help make it clearer whether he was a substantial religious leader or not. - we listen to the music loud sometimes, but i mean it doesnt have to be ridiculously loud, just sound a little clearer when the volumes up and hear the bass tones a little better. - It took my eye a couple seconds of searching to see Bangalore; it should be clearer than that. - Membership was clearer in the New Defenders era when the team was more formally organized. - Plectrums produce a louder and clearer tone, which makes them suitable for orchestral use. - Plants are allowed to naturally recolonise the clearer waterways. - I agree that the lead image could be clearer. - Tell me if I need to be clearer than that. - On a clear day, the mountains are clearer, so seem closer. - Also, the diagram could be improved to make it clearer that the $ axis is the cost. - The more you read of primary records and actual historians of the war, the clearer it becomes that abolition was not the cause for the war. - Subsequently, to make it clearer, Gandhi changed it to Satyagraha. - If this is not immediately evident, it will become clearer in the light of the consequences; for if the God is absolutely unlike man, then man is absolutely unlike the God; but how could the Reason be expected to understand this? - Therefore, I am renominating the article to form a clearer consensus. - Definitions of nonverbal communication creates a limited picture in our minds but there are ways to create a clearer one. - If it ever does, they probably need a clearer name, since I initially expected this to be about the victims of some sort of monument collapse. - Perhaps should be renamed as Mohammad cartoons boycott to make the context clearer. - This meaning is no clearer than the Latin.

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