Foraging In Sentences - Examples Of Foraging In Sentences
Apr 3, 2024
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- Solitary foraging species usually exploit coastal waters, bays and rivers.
- When a bee comes in contact with pesticides while foraging, the bee may die immediately without returning to the hive.
- No observations of foraging behaviour at sea have been made.
- Traveling 140 miles over four days the group relied on foraging for food.
- As both species are small aerial and canopy foraging omnivores, a similar ecological niche was inferred for this hypothetical ancestor.
- In contrast, traits not related to dispersal such as those associated with foraging show no signs of spatial sorting but are significantly affected by environmental variables such as vegetation and intensity of urbanisation.
- Bees make thousands of foraging flights per day, and over time high concentrations of bees occur over targets.
- When bigger fruits and easy access occur, they do not spend much time foraging.
- Rivers, reservoir shorelines, and forests should be left intact near gray bat caves to allow for adequate foraging.
- These ants are the first line of defense and continuously patrol the surrounding terrain and vigorously attack any enemies that threaten the foraging lines.
- It becomes very aggressive if another individual approaches when foraging, but will tolerate a safe distance of about ten meters.
- Seasonal foraging also characterized the strategies of many interior populations, with groups moving strategically among dense resource areas.
- This allows shelter until more food is required, when foraging resumes.
- Hummingbirds have exceptional visual acuity providing them with discrimination of food sources while foraging.
- Other states were greatly affected when the mercenary armies marched through neutral states or ravaged them in the course of their foraging expeditions.
- During the night, this species will often use a night roost that is closer to their foraging grounds than their day roost.
- In contrast, in the presence of an actively foraging predator, juveniles are highly avoidant and hide in cobble or in kelp if cobble is unavailable.
- Wild berry foraging is part of the right.
- If young workers are short on food their first days of life, they tend to begin foraging early and preferentially for nectar.
- Workers perform tasks that are essential to colony survival, including foraging, nest construction, and colony defense.
- They eat seeds and fruits of a wide variety of plants often joining other frugivores at fruiting figs, foraging by slowly walking along branches.
- These foraging strategies influence which hosts the nematodes infect.
- Prey is almost always obtained by moving up the trunk or branch, and there are two main foraging techniques, probing and sallying.
- Towns that had just previously been fought in were the perfect location for foraging.
- Prey is taken both by foraging on the ground and in the trees.
- Initially, the lack of force concentration helped with foraging for food and sought to confuse the enemy as to his real location and intentions.
- Foraging mode, prey chemical discrimination, and phylogeny in lizards.
- They are often seen foraging on the ground.
- The gray mouse lemur is described as solitary but social, foraging alone at night, but frequently sleeping in groups during the day.
- Food availability was higher at foraging sites than at bed sites, but bed sites had taller and denser vegetation.
- The division of labor has to adjust itself to the resources available from foraging.
- In between foraging attempts, it is frequently seen perching near water.
- Ants returning to the colony stimulates outgoing foraging.
- They have been recorded foraging along the beach for fly larvae in beached kelp.
- When no reward in the form of nectar was given by the flower, the moth did not further participate in foraging behavior with that particular flower.
- Sleeping and resting was the most common activity, followed by traveling, and then eating and foraging.
- says that the size difference in males and females is probably directly related to differences in foraging habits.
- Through the medieval period, soldiers were responsible for supplying themselves, either through foraging, looting, or purchases.
- Instead of vision, the animal is thought to use olfaction as the primary sense for foraging, as well as locating or identifying potential mates.
- Workers actually start foraging actively after seven days.
- The scientists suggest the disappearances of a Japanese fishing fleet and a Siberian seal boat may be the work of the foraging giant.
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