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Curator In Sentences - Examples Of Curator In Sentences

visibility 15 views calendar_month Jan 13, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Comanducci, was an art critic, curator and art historian from Italy. - Barney Smith was an American plumber, artist and museum curator. - He has been the curator of the Arms and Armour Section of the Czartoryski Museum since 1949. - She was closely involved in the reconstruction of the National Museum of Iraq, where she had worked as a curator in the 1960s, and the founding of the Basrah Museum. - Schinz was also curator of the Natural History Society of Zurich. - It was located at 77 White Street in downtown Manhattan and was opened by Steve Maas, art curator Diego Cortez and downtown punk scene figure Anya Phillips. - Enrico Crispolti was an Italian art critic, curator and art historian. - Ouwens became curator of the Zoological Museum in Buitenzorg. - He was promoted to Curator of the Department of Geology and Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History. - While in Paris, he is the prime suspect in the unusual murder of a Louvre curator. - The old Mayo School and College had the unique distinction of having as its first principal and head, Mr John Lockwood Kipling, father of the writer Rudyard Kipling, who was also Curator of the Lahore Museum simultaneously. - He was also the curator of the Civic Museum of Como and a member of the Provincial Commission for the Conservation of Monuments. - William Wallace, the curator of the museum, adopted Minik. - He was Professor Emeritus of Art History, and Curator Emeritus of Northwest Coast Indian Art at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. - He was Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University from 1959 to 1970, and a Professor of Geosciences at the University of Arizona until his retirement in 1982. - Steve Burrow, curator of Neolithic archaeology at Amgueddfa Cymru, has more recently supported the case for summer solstice alignment. - He holds the posts of Professor Emeritus and Honorary Curator in Entomology, Harvard University, and a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. - Langdon realized the curator was part of a secret society. - Photo curator Hugh Edwards lead this fight. - From 1956 until the post was removed in 2021, there was a curator of pictures and sculpture. - It also includes the opinions of the chief architect of historical monuments , of the architect of buildings of France and of the curator of historic monuments. - In the year 1941, Justin and Victory were discovered and released from suspended animation by a museum curator. - The prologue has adult Indiana retrieving an Aztec relic for a museum curator in Mexico and features the circus train. - The Curator of the Cholsey and Wallingford Railway Museum attributes the following story to the late Mrs Harold Gale. - A former organ curator warned the stagehands when the Grand Ophicleide was going to be used, because of the volume. - Ten years later, in 1967, he stepped down as curator to assume the role of senior historian. - I did send a letter to the Librarian of Congress, the White House curator and to the National Archivist asking for clarification. - Besides her role as executive secretary to the Director, Jackson had served as curator of the decorative arts collection. - He studied the Argentine birds for over 40 years, and became curator of birds at the National Museum and writing many of the most important books on the subject. - It was discovered at the Bodleian Library in Oxford by Michael Turner, a former curator and Head of Conservation at the Library. - In 1915 the first excavations under scientific supervision took place, led by Menelaos Markides, who was the curator of the Cyprus Museum. - He was one of the founders of the Schillerstiftung and for many years its president; he was also curator of the Victoria Lyceum. - He stayed in this position, later as a curator, until his death on July 24, 1859. - On his return he was appointed curator of the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Barnes who was the first curator of the college. - During his complementary activities as memorial curator, he acquired a large amount of knowledge for his later activities and works. - When Hope decided to gift away his collections to Oxford University in 1849 he got Westwood to be appointed a curator of the collections. - When the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences was officially opened in 1832 Menetries was designated Curator of its entomological collections. - However, after 1826, when Champollion was a curator in the Louvre, he did offer Young access to demotic manuscripts.

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