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Fortnight In Sentences Example Of Fortnight In Sentences How To Use Fortnight In Sentences

visibility 163 views calendar_month Nov 12, 2023

Search your words in sentences - Because Mr Parker is injured in the crash, and the carriage needs repairs, the Parkers stay with the Heywood family for a fortnight. - A fortnight later, while the Duke is gloating over his jewels, they transform back into tears. - Initially too shy to speak, she did not write anything for six weeks, but was then given a fortnight to write a play. - A fortnight later there was a return game, although it was really more of a benefit for the English team. - For the next fortnight the threat of an attack kept the ships constantly on the alert to protect the troops which depended upon naval fire support. - In summary, I still see this nomination in the balance, and therefore think it should be given the whole fortnight to allow for additional comments and further improvements. - Subsequently, small detachments of Valiants and Vulcans deployed to the Far East for a fortnight every three months until June 1960. - There he met Cartan once a fortnight. - The destroyer returned to Okinawa on 1 August and operated from that base through the end of hostilities a fortnight later. - In the last he provided a list of suggestions and insisted that all unnamed submarines be given names within a fortnight. - Scott was mortally wounded, and died within a fortnight; the verdict of wilful murder brought against Christie and his second at the inquest resulted in their trial and acquittal at the old Bailey two months later. - Although his motion was defeated by the convention, Smallwood did not give up, but instead gathered more than 5000 petitions from the people within a fortnight which he sent to London through the Governor. - Any thoughts on making it the next collaboration of the fortnight, and getting that going again? - The criminal Court is based at the courthouse at Lawnmarket, Edinburgh, and will initially sit on two consecutive days each fortnight. - Chaturdashi is the 14th day of the lunar fortnight. - I am still writing music, maybe one song each fortnight or something. - Within a fortnight, he communicated the general nature of his process to the Royal Society, followed by more complete details a few weeks later. - She resumed local training missions on 9 June, but those lasted less than a fortnight. - Using this money a second pressing of 1,000 was made, which sold out in a fortnight. - Is realistic to get this done in a fortnight if we can get a few people contributing. - Profits from the Comrie Fortnight are used to support events and groups in the local community. - The eyes of the young open after about a fortnight and their yellow collars are visible by then as grey patches. - Meanwhile, Shigmo festivals also continue in various rural parts of Goa, spanning over a fortnight, with different days earmarked for celebrations in different areas. - A fortnight later the charges against him were dropped and he was released. - After a fortnight more at Shawbury, he wrote to John Newton and another clergyman friend in London for advice. - When first diagnosed, the phlebotomies may be performed every week or fortnight, until iron levels can be brought to within normal range. - The gift was made on the fifth day of the bright fortnight of the Chaitra month. - A fortnight later, Machel threw down the gauntlet. - Marius died a fortnight after and Cinna was left in sole control of Rome. - These recordings were made in the course of a fortnight in October 1936. - With no other publishing deals lined up at the time, Schafer turned back to the eight game ideas developed from Amnesia Fortnight, believing they could be developed further into short, complete games. - The unbeaten run continued for another fortnight eventually reaching 18 games. - The fair commences on the 14th day of the fortnight of the waning moon of the month with ceremonial worship of the Goddess. - Since my release I had a busy and exciting fortnight. - Those participating in the program usually do so for 50 hours per fortnight. - They find one a fortnight later. - He went on to defeat Alexander Kahl of Germany on April 9 in Hamburg to record his second victory in a fortnight. - As collaborative efforts have slowed, there is no current Australian Collaboration of the Fortnight. - Thumb, in which fragments of Dutch bullet are lodged, will take at least a fortnight to heal up, but hope to resume filing about Thursday. - They buy our homes and only live in them for a fortnight every year. - The fair only lasted a fortnight, and the amount of income it generated for the city had fallen. - The best would be a reasonable period of a fortnight.

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