Nutritious In Sentences - Examples Of Nutritious In Sentences

visibility 29 views calendar_month Mar 25, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Both dogs and humans have mouths that are very receptive to bacteria, they are warm, dark, wet, and often nutritious. - Venison is widely considered to be both flavourful and nutritious. - Supportive measures include antibiotics to prevent infections in weakened muscles, analgesics for pain, moderate exercise and a nutritious diet. - While they feed on a wide range of plants, they choose to eat specific parts of the plant that are most nutritious. - In the rumen, anaerobic organisms, including methanogens, digest cellulose into forms nutritious to the animal. - The animal had a relatively narrow snout, perhaps to aid in rooting about for low growing plants to eat and indicating a selective diet of highly nutritious food. - Junk food provides empty calories, supplying little or none of the protein, vitamins, or minerals required for a nutritious diet. - Meat, while taking longer to produce, requires less slaves and is more nutritious than corn, meaning it can feed more people than the same amount of corn. - It is known to be very nutritious for livestock, who will seek it out. - The sprouted beans are more nutritious than the original beans, and they require much less cooking time. - That means the fiber is coming from a less nutritious or healthy source. - The interior of a gall is composed of edible nutritious tissue. - This ability allows them to consume all the dead plant matter and turn it into nutritious fertilizer available for the plants in the area. - The grass is also highly nutritious, especially before the plant exhausts itself producing seed. - Commercially, plant geneticists are sometimes employed to develop methods of making produce more nutritious, or altering plant pigments to make the food more enticing to consumers. - The plant has been found to be nutritious, but too acidic to be good fodder, largely being left untouched by grazing stock. - The result is communities that can produce nutritious food for themselves in a sustainable way. - It is especially palatable to moose, and it is nutritious. - Prolamin seed storage protein so characteristic of cereals and grasses is not considered very nutritious because of its high content of the amino acid proline which it shares with gelatin and its low content of lysine, a vital amino acid. - One reason for this preference may be that flying insects serve as nutritious food, which is important in the spring when there is a limited food supply. - Bears are adept at digging up the nutritious roots. - At the Village the children live in a safe environment, free from harm and with access to education, medical assistance and a nutritious diet. - Should I spend the money on nutritious foods instead? - The interior of a bedeguar gall is formed from the bud, and is composed of edible nutritious and structural tissues. - By 2020, Andhra Pradesh wishes to be a major exporter and provider of highly nutritious food. - In a mutualistic behavior, the animal is rewarded with nutritious fruit while harmlessly dispersing the seed or seeds, thereby increasing their fitness and chances for survival. - Students may alternatively choose to bring a nutritious lunch and a drink from home and there are microwave ovens available in the cafeteria to heat food. - Cheap, tasty, easy, quick, filling and very nutritious. - It makes sense that they would probably also prefer distilled liquors to the far more nutritious beer. - Filling, but not necessarily nutritious. - Animals that eat seston also have to adapt because the seston is not always present or may have periods of time when it is less nutritious. - It is also nutritious for children as it contains high volumes of vitamin C, which is needed for growing bodies. - The shipment would provide more than one million school children with nutritious snacks. - Fruits are packages for seeds, composed of nutritious tissues to feed animals. - FareShare rescues food that would otherwise go to waste and cooks it into free nutritious meals for people in need. - No doubt this wholesome food is one cause of the healthy, ruddy appearance of the Orphans generally; for notwithstanding a strong prejudice against it in this country, a more wholesome, nutritious article of diet certainly does not exist. - A sustainable food system also encourages local production and distribution infrastructures and makes nutritious food available, accessible, and affordable to all. - When these are broken, and their contents dumped out, it provides a more nutritious medium for bacterial growth.

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