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How to Use On The Map In Sentences - Examples Of On The Map In Sentences

visibility 6 views calendar_month May 12, 2024
Search your words in sentences - The coordinate fields position a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map automatically. - With 167 winning races it put Cosworth Engineering on the map. - The twelve cities which do not belong to any district and are identified on the map with letters. - After seeing landmarks on the map, they take a direction to the legendary golden city. - Click on the map for better resolution. - The coordinates information positions a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map automatically. - An optional third unnamed parameter can be used to specify the level of zoom needed on the map, from 1 for a worldwide view to 20 for the highest level of zoom. - After an economically quiet period during the 16th century, the new iron hammer technology put the city back on the map. - Measuring how many times the compasses fit between two things on the map shows the distance between those things. - Reaching this goal will open up a new path on the map, leading to new stages on the overworld map and on occasion a warp cannon. - In Connecticut and Rhode Island, counties are only on the map and have no power. - The hill was on the map as the eastern source of the Kranji River. - The next day they move deeper into the woods, despite being uncertain of their exact location on the map. - He made a mistake and marked it on the map 200 miles from its real location. - The boulder which marked their homestead has been moved to make room for a highway, and it can be found on the map where the highway crosses Martin Road in Amesbury. - Back at the mansion, the nephews decipher the code written on the map, but refuse to tell Uncle Scrooge unless he lets them participate in the treasure hunt. - When preparing for a flight they choose big visible points on the map, for example large cities, lakes, hills, rivers, roads or forests. - The scale scale of a map shows the ratio between the distances on the map and the corresponding distances in reality. - This causes a tooltip and link for the relevant postcode area article to appear when users hover the mouse over an area on the map outside the subject area. - The dotted lines on the map show where one district ends and another begins. - There are a total of six minigames on the map. - At first, all the data on the map was not taken from these analyses. - The reader can measure a distance on the map to know what is the distance on the ground. - The numbers on the map are linked to the numbers below. - On the map, some states have no dotted lines in them. - Granville was first found on the map in 1882. - Geologically, the town sits on the Great Glen Fault, the most striking feature of Scotland on the map. - Winning 167 races in a career lasting over 20 years, it was the product that put Cosworth Engineering on the map. - The objective of Domination is to control all of the control points on the map. - The player finds locations on the map by textual clues, which makes the map a hidden object scene, too. - Also, many times you will already be the most powerful creature on the map, due to all the magic items and innate abilities you can collect. - The maps also allowed insurance companies to visualize their exposure in their coverage areas; when an agent sold a policy, he could color in the corresponding building on the map. - Click on the map for a very large image. - Army movements can be tracked on the map using the mouse or the keypad. - These occur whenever enemies discover a body on the map, or if 47 falls under suspicion. - The site further put Filmi music on the map. - Morgan figures out that the words on the map, when read backwards, spell out half the coordinates to the island. - Countries with a state religion are shown in grey on the map. - This story kicked off his career and put Calaveras County on the map. - Black contours on the map denote isobars; the presence of concentric isobars at the center of the image denote the location of a tropical cyclone. - On the map he made of his explorations, he called the area a Great Desert. - How about being put on the map by good journalism? - Later on, Paul will be able to contact and command Fremen tribes a short distance from his position on the map. - This allows the player to move anywhere on the map. - Certain places on the map offer special advantages for units occupying them, such as a defense bonus for a forest or castle ramparts, or automatic free healing for a base of operations. - Offshoring, for good or ill, comes of age putting India on the map competitive world markets demand outsourcing, but it does drain domestic jobs.
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