Defiant In Sentences Example Of Defiant In Sentences How To Use Defiant In Sentences
Search your words in sentences In prison, Barbara is relentlessly defiant, refusing to wear her uniform and demanding a radio. In these notes Rand writes that the public fascination with Hickman is not due to the heinousness of his crimes, but to his defiant attitude and his refusal to accept conventional morals. Smiley once again recruited Sisko to help them finish construction of the Defiant in time. People now aware of the excesses of British Raj became defiant of it and played an active part in the Indian Struggle for Independence. However, he has certainly challenged and been defiant of fair use policy on Wikipedia, and the whole issue here does, in the end, boil down to intellectual protectionism. She is defiant, secretive, independent, and tough, often taking the lead with her siblings. he would take out a document from his pocket and begin reading passages from a defiant sermon or pastoral letter. In a voice charged with emotion but stubbornly defiant he spoke of the struggle waged by the African National Congress and of his absolute conviction of the victory to come. These soldiers not only defy military discipline but also show defiant towards the successors to Wang. Koreans continued to harbor a defiant attitude towards the Qing dynasty in private while they officially yielded obedience and sentiments of Manchu barbarity continued to pervade Korean discourse. Han Yu then arranged for his grandnephew to study in a Buddhist school, but the abbot complained that he was defiant and reckless. But reactions also varied from place to place; welcoming in some, defiant in others. The slaves are certain that he has been saved and remain in defiant and jubilant spirits. There are a great many ways to influence change in the right direction without being defiant or resorting to edit wars. Often moody and defiant, Trinity has become hard to control and harder to predict. 307 was a new nightfighter Defiant squadron formed but did not become operational until December defending western Britain. Conduct and oppositional defiant disorders. He showed an almost defiant attitude towards the point I raised about his reverting things that clearly were not vandalism. Defiant, he ignores her, proclaiming to Ernesto that his thirst for his blood has not diminished over ten years. He grew up as a troubled child who made many defiant decisions. At Defiant Pro Wrestling, he was defeated by his former partner Tony DeVito. The Hopkinses promptly left the Street, with Vera and Idris too ashamed to return, and Granny too defiant. The job of Control Officer required great tact in the face of irate and defiant neutral skippers, particularly Dutch and Scandinavians who had a long tradition of trade with Germany. I asked him to retract this incivility but he was defiant and repeated his attack. They are very similar, but there is a definite and defiant distinction. Rich evidently does not sabotage the play, even shooting Professor Blood a defiant look as he performs his scene. This person is a public embarrassment to the site, has been approached before, and is defiant and flippant. But Crazy Horse stayed on, defiant of his enemies who now more than ever recognized his capabilities for taking care of himself and his persecuted people. Uto became more inimical to and defiant of the Spanish power, and a small expedition was sent against him composed of disciplinarios and troops, the former by land and the latter by gunboats, but the result was unfavorable to the Spanish. Despite increasing abuse from the guards, Travis remains defiant. As a result of not working and his strong and defiant position against the communist regime, he was beaten and tortured for years in solitary punishment cells. Sigman then proposed an agreement that he later negotiated with the industry in 1925, but the defiant unions led a campaign to reject the proposal. The film changes his reason for whipping Gale to because he tackles him when he is about to beat a defiant bystander. Defiant Democratic legislators refused to heed the call to London, but when they attempted to convene first in the state capitol and later in other public locations in Frankfort, they found the doors barred by armed citizens. Systems and policies are in place to deal with defiant people and hardcore vandals. Neliah, defiant to the end, remains to fend off Uhrig, who has pursued them and presumably dies in the final defence of Luanda.