Abandonment In Sentences, Example of Abandonment In Sentences

visibility 191 views calendar_month Oct 25, 2023

The two discovered Jesse among the rubble of the church and, after some discussion, agreed to help him to safety, although Tulip was still furious with Jesse over his sudden abandonment of her five years before. The number of permanent residents living in the fort has been in decline since its abandonment. Some critics mourn his abandonment of poetry as a loss to Indian literature, reasoning that his acute perception and extraordinary command of languages would have continued to produce memorable verse of lasting significance. Nothing about the latter indicates an abandonment of the former. This could be following a hostile raid on the fort or because lack of resources lead to its abandonment. Also farmland values are projected to decrease in parts of southern Europe by more than 80% by 2100, which could result in land abandonment. This has subsequently led to the abandonment and lack of appreciation of minority cultures by so doing killing the aspect of identity and belonging. Parents are subject to criminal laws against abandonment, abuse, and neglect of children. Those sympathetic to the nullifiers wanted a specific abandonment of the principle of protectionism and were willing to offer a longer transition period as a bargaining point. Having decided on a policy of abandonment, the British cabinet entertained his proposal. This led to the abandonment of the activities of the Society. Abandonment of a type 2 wet bell requires the divers to manage their own umbilicals as they ascend along a remaining connection to the surface. Ultimately, Dirk is left alone in his sumptuous apartment, saddened by his abandonment of artistic values. The abandonment of the lawsuit comes after the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas denied a motion for class certification in the lawsuit. By October 2005, the last of the Xanadu houses had been demolished, following years of abandonment and use by the homeless. The damage led to the abandonment or tearing down of several historic buildings and the relocation of other businesses to higher ground. The Vernon to Kelowna portion is under abandonment procedures. Dixie finds Tod and sympathizes with his feelings of abandonment. Army issued an order for abandonment of the post on May 22, 1871. The unpopularity of the siege may have been a factor in its abandonment after only one year. Deteriorating conditions at the original structure led to its abandonment in 1935. Children are to be protected against all forms of abandonment, physical or moral violence, economic exploitation, dangerous work and sexual abuse. All these factors lead to the abandonment of small farming communities across the country, resulting in the ghost town. This diagram illustrates indigenous villages that were closed in the soviet era and shows to which settlement the population was moved upon abandonment. This has become a contentious issue with the trust and its supporters where some see this as the abandonment of the tall ships for yachts within the trust. The ten virtuous deeds will replace them with the abandonment of each of these practices. The condition of the country during the Wars of the Roses sufficiently accounts for the abandonment of art. Such abandonment may occur during the prosecution process, such as when the applicant is unable to convince the patent office to withdraw a rejection of his or her patent application. A number of houses there are very close to the sea edge, and properties on those roads suffered through demolition and abandonment of a number of properties. Opposition to island restoration has not led to the abandonment of many projects but has delayed several, particularly through court action. This effectively required the abandonment of the old custom of consulting the Jewish community in those places where it was still used. A more significant risk may be the failure or abandonment of the leachate collection system. The ensuing difficulties in hiring labour has been seen as causing the abandonment of land and the demise of the feudal system. However, the number in babies has also gone up with the forced registration of babies, also a new law, leading to more abandonment. It decides whether a new product idea should be taken up in research, reassesses a project at regular intervals and, last but not least decides also about the abandonment of a project, once it becomes evident that the objectives cannot be reached.

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