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Internal Revenue In Sentences - Examples Of Internal Revenue In Sentences

visibility 12 views calendar_month Apr 13, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Internal Revenue Service, Cat. - Since it occurred near Tax Day, the Internal Revenue Service granted natural disaster extensions to those affected. - The total cost of the new turf will be approximately $900,000 and will be paid for from previously allocated internal revenue from the university. - Police and internal revenue services were reorganized. - All of it is either sourced from Supreme Court decisions, the Constitution, and Internal Revenue Code Book. - However, the Internal Revenue Service agreed to let the game go ahead in return for a portion of the gate. - In July 1862, while he was still in Cairo, Boutwell was appointed the first Commissioner of Internal Revenue by President Lincoln. - An Internal Revenue Service Processing Center is located in Holtsville. - Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. - The Internal Revenue Commission argued that companies need the time to extract, produce, export, and sell their products before they can generate a continuous income that is taxable. - Ramirez also served as Vice Minister of Finance and was also director of the Internal Revenue System. - He served as collector of internal revenue in 1867. - He also was the supervisor of internal revenue for Tennessee. - Under rules contained in the current Internal Revenue Code, real property is not subject to depreciation recapture. - In 1953, the agency was renamed the Internal Revenue Service, and in subsequent decades underwent numerous reforms and reorganizations, most significantly in the 1990s. - government until some years later, but not after Butler and Carpenter wrote and appealed numerous times to the commissioner of Internal Revenue, Hon. - He was an assistant assessor of internal revenue for the State of Michigan in 1873. - Harding was an active politician, as well as a working journalist, and at the time of his death was collector of internal revenue for the First District of Philadelphia. - If the Internal Revenue Service and The Department of the Treasury are not good enough sources for Wikipedia, then Wikipedia is severely flawed. - In August 1919, he was appointed Internal Revenue Collector for the 3rd New York District. - Internal Revenue Revenue Code. - Collector of Internal Revenue of North Dakota from 1933 to 1947. - They do not arise from innocent mistakes caused by the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code. - However, I do not now work for, nor have I ever worked for, the Internal Revenue Service. - From 1869 to 1871, he was Collector of Internal Revenue for the 31st District of New York. - As a result of a lawsuit, the Court issued an order prohibiting the Internal Revenue Service from enforcing the regulatory requirements for registered tax return preparers. - Under the Internal Revenue Code, original issue discounts on debt instruments are taxed each year, even though the debt may not be repaid until a later date. - owed over $15 million, of which $7 million was owed to the Internal Revenue Service. - call for the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the departments of Education and Energy and the Federal Election Commission. - In 1954, this provision was continued with the enactment of section 6673 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. - He was a member of the American Book Council and has been an appraiser for the Internal Revenue Service concerning the fair market value of literary properties. - If states continued to levy income taxes, taxpayers would experience little simplification, and complexity might actually increase as states could no longer rely on the administrative efforts of the federal Internal Revenue Service. - Until Prohibition ended in December 1933, he also heard many liquor cases, as the Internal Revenue Service campaigned against untaxed liquor. - To enhance the internal revenue allotment of Agoo they form the additional barangay of Agoo from original 14 to 49, which San Roque West was established since 1978 and formerly part of Brgy. - 18, 2013, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia has enjoined the Internal Revenue Service from enforcing the regulatory requirements for registered tax return preparers. - This included, in addition to the post office and court operations, general offices for the Internal Revenue, the Union Indian Agency, and Royalty among others. - In 1939 he was convicted of conspiracy to violate the internal revenue laws as they relate to liquor, and was sentenced to 4 years and fined $2,700.
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