Inclination In Sentences - Examples Of Inclination In Sentences

visibility 1 views calendar_month Apr 10, 2024

Search your words in sentences - Even so, did God tell Israel that God created the Evil Inclination, but also created the Torah as its antidote. - If Jorge showed even a small inclination to improve this would not be an issue but he seems to wear it like a badge of honor. - The normals are directly related to angles of inclination of the line on the object surface. - The initial orbit was at an inclination of 11.8 degrees. - He expressed both views with an inclination to the former, says historian David Bird. - This required higher energies than for lower inclination orbits. - This is, from north to south the city has a flat topography and from east to west the city has varying degrees of inclination. - By plotting the mean orbital motion, inclination, and eccentricity of a set of asteroids, he discovered several distinct groupings. - The terrain is diversely oriented with inclination angles ranging from 10 degrees to 14 degrees. - In that company of musicians, Viswanathan realised that he had the inclination and the potential for composing music. - In modern English it has come more generally to mean an inclination or a bias. - He found that the angle of departure is sufficiently small to allow for air density to remain the same and was able to reduce the ballistics tables to easily tabulated quadrants giving distance, time, inclination and altitude of the projectile. - However, Windson becomes aware of his inclination, and while happy to remain his friend, is initially very reluctant to become emotionally involved with him. - She, for example, explicitly said that Jesus as a child, had an inclination to right rather than having sinful tendencies. - This would mean less inclination to maintain good upkeep, or being liable for anything the landlord should be responsible for. - No template is required on pages that contain insufficient images; the lack of images is immediately and glaringly obvious to all editors with any skill in graphics arts or any inclination to add such images. - Young Moreau showed no inclination for law, but reveled in the freedom of student life. - Before the 20th century, it was generally very easy for such men to find a constituency willing to elect them if they had any inclination for politics. - Although, as he reflected years later, literature and philosophy were his natural inclination and he had no interest in law. - Some of the people who may have the most valuable content to offer the project are likely to have little inclination or time to monitor the fate of their contributions let alone engage in interminable combat. - During a serious illness his inclination towards the spiritual gained the upper hand. - It is independent of the inclination of solid to the liquid surface. - Over this, large windows overlooked, restricted by concrete pillars that supported the terminal swing, projecting more than three metres, with an inclination of 45 degrees. - He was a naturalist by inclination and studied extensively in that area. - My inclination would be that such behaviour calls for an immediate bar. - However, the role of orbital inclination in maintaining this avoidance in a case where eccentricities are minimal is unusual. - Heterosexuality is then viewed as the natural inclination or obligation by both sexes. - I have likewise a natural Inclination to observe and reprove the Faults of others, at which I have an excellent Faculty. - Early on, he had an inclination towards studying to be a priest, though he soon began to study law instead. - When inhibition decreases during a state of distraction, depending on the amount of decrease, the inclination to switch to an attention state increases. - Due to this inclination, the elliptical true orbit will project an elliptical apparent orbit onto the plane of the sky. - From early childhood, he had a great inclination towards the study of Hinduism. - They were released for service in Sudan and accordingly showed little inclination to fight. - When Stan showed no inclination to demur, she accepted the offer. - John was zealous for religious discipline, a thing little in accordance with the inclination of certain French monks, who formed part of the community. - The Bazigar people have neither inclination nor the opportunity to remedy that situation. - The right side of the disc is brighter due to inclination of the disc to the line of sight and preferential forward scattering of the light from the star. - Upon this ancient denuded land surface the Torridonian strata rest horizontally or with gentle inclination.

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