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Marksmanship In Sentences - Examples Of Marksmanship In Sentences

visibility 3K views calendar_month Feb 22, 2024
Search your words in sentences - Concerned over poor marksmanship during the American Civil War, veteran Union officers Col. - The United States has a long tradition of marksmanship going back to its beginnings including the role of common men in its Revolutionary War. - Under suspicion of leftist sympathies, Kaji is assigned the toughest duties in his military recruiting class despite his excellent marksmanship and strong barracks discipline. - Training includes marksmanship, combat formations and patrolling, as well as other combat related skills. - The Army Rifle Marksmanship Badges were replaced by the current Marine Corps Rifle Marksmanship Qualification Badges in 1958. - The Company Commander returns the gun to her, and together they practice marksmanship and grenade throwing. - His excellent marksmanship abilities helped him get jobs with outfits who were always looking for someone who could keep them in fresh meat. - The emphasis was on rigid discipline and shooting marksmanship and it was entirely controlled by the Headmaster; the Army was not involved. - It offers marksmanship, athletic training, volleyball, football, cricket, and many other sports. - Those same Soldiers provide experience and guidance during leadership labs, where theory is put into practical application in subjects such as land navigation, rifle marksmanship, and other field craft. - Core qualification skills will include weapons qualification and maintenance, marksmanship, land navigation, patrolling, field communications, and expeditionary camp deployment. - The experience of these years taught him the importance of discipline, marksmanship, and professional study. - This is a course of instruction, as the name implies, in basic infantry skills, including marksmanship, machine gunnery, tactics, and planning. - Provides job related training such as marksmanship and road march. - His prowess as an archer has equalled his marksmanship with the modern weapon, and only very occasionally has the stray shot over the garden wall alarmed his neighbours in Wimbledon. - He received awards for his marksmanship until the age of 90 and served as the coach of the Olympic shooting team until 2000. - During basic rifle marksmanship training, the students were taught how to load, charge, fire, and clear their weapons. - While he attempts this, the vassals attack the Ayakashi Yanasudare whose attacks have no effect on his flexible body and are no match for his marksmanship. - Jeckeln considered the shooting of the victims in the pits to be a deed of marksmanship, and he wanted to prove Germans were inherently more accurate shooters than Latvians. - The special forces sniper course requires special forces personnel to have a marksmanship level expert or I class to be accepted to the course. - She is shown practicing her marksmanship by shooting at a walker with the rifle to prepare for the fight she feels is coming. - The site is the only location in Arkansas associated with Davis, a native of Manila who won distinction in the war for taking out a nest of German machine gunners with his marksmanship. - During this time, participating Scouts get to visit a number of activity centres where they can participate in activities ranging from marksmanship and rock climbing to sailing and gold panning. - Unlike his comrades, Ortheris is a superb rifle shot and in combat relies on marksmanship rather than brute strength. - Civil War infantry units received little formal instruction in rifle marksmanship; however, skirmishers were expected to deliver individual, aimed fire at targets of opportunity rather than the massed volleys of the infantry line of battle. - She admired Nobita for his Marksmanship and Cat Scraddle Skills. - Accordingly, the weapon was often fired while being held away from the face with the result that marksmanship was inferior. - for shooting events or marksmanship practice at established ranges or other areas where the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited. - German personnel are also eligible to receive and wear civil service medals, sports and fitness awards, and certain marksmanship awards. - But natural abilities include expert marksmanship, heightened reflexes and quick learning. - His valor and marksmanship are sung by several poets, and his exploits are a popular part of folklore. - Rowen has demonstrated great expertise using this weapon and displayed exceptional marksmanship. - She also trained the best students to become snipers, teaching them marksmanship early; passing on her shooting skills.
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