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Affectionate In Sentences - Examples Of Affectionate In Sentences

70 views · Jan 9, 2024
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Search your words in sentences - He is very affectionate to Jasmine. - The Taurus person is very affectionate in love, sensual, and instinctively aware of the power of their body sexually. - Bloodhounds are known to be a gentle and affectionate breed. - Her mother was not affectionate with her children. - With the introduction of Soto, the emphasis on personal relationship was grafted on, making a complex term that merged the official and legal with the personal and affectionate. - Known for optimism, intelligence and adaptability, the breed is extremely loyal and affectionate. - They are playful, affectionate and intelligent, known as having a big personality in a small body. - His personal relations with his pupils were of singularly close and affectionate nature, and the charm of his social gifts and genial character won him friends on all sides. - He also has an ambiguous relationship with Ropponmatsu 2, spending a great deal of time with her, and being much more affectionate to her than he is to the older Ropponmatsu 1. - A nonchalant leader, Patel endeared himself to his political adversaries by his affectionate and friendly attitude. - Pete the Barn Cat is her favorite pet and she is affectionate towards both him and Drover. - Companionate love is also known as affectionate love. - Relations between teacher and student were stormy but affectionate. - Her fans have given her the affectionate name Nonko . - In contrast, Doyler is outspoken, rebellious, brave, and affectionate. - Paulo is very affectionate towards Li and throughout the series there is an obvious relationship building between the two of them. - There she is introduced at a party to an affectionate unmarried artist, who wants her to get a divorce and marry him. - Lois also became more affectionate to Clark as the series progressed, confiding in him as a friend, though their rivalry at times became more heated on a personal basis because of this. - The Maddoxes enjoyed a close and affectionate marriage. - She is affectionate and likes to express her feelings. - The Komondor is affectionate with its family. - Contrary to the Vulcan image of expressing no emotion, family bonds can be strong and affectionate just as they are for humans. - Let me say that three more lovely and affectionate children were never born in this world. - She and Ryo have an affectionate, if somewhat troubled, relationship. - Helen Frances meets Henry Manners and begins to grow affectionate. - He was an affectionate father and husband. - Most preschoolers are loving, affectionate, and playful, and like to play games, be read to, or play with toys. - Alternately affectionate and patronizing with her children, Atia develops genuine feelings for her lover Antony. - For the time being they were an unpretentious and affectionate family. - Wealth, a cultivated intellect, a refined mind, an affectionate heart, are comparatively exempt from the ravages of this unmercifully fatal malady. - Though Nino is affectionate toward his undersized and precocious brother, his actions to him are not protective. - Her relationship with her parents was formal rather than affectionate. - Garyu interacts little with the party, and is only affectionate toward Toma and Cyrille. - We are invited to eavesdrop on lively conversations between Chu and the art of museums; their talk is intimate, affable, mischievous, and filled with affectionate expansiveness. - She was born in Russia and has a kind and affectionate nature. - Just as Premanand Swami was overflowing with affectionate devotion towards Maharaj, Maharaj also always bestowed upon him his choicest blessings. - Shigure sends Kagura off with Kyo to do some shopping, to prevent the house from being wrecked by her affectionate outbursts. - But later in the novel, she stops her affectionate feelings towards Hugo and cannot determine what she should feel about Gerald. - Urgently, but not with raised index finger, he swears to affectionate handling of humans with humans and its environment. - I hope that the time is brimming with affectionate friends and family. - She pretends to be affectionate towards her daughters in law and persuades them to stay away from their husbands. - But I must conclude, with every assurance of regard and best wishes from Dear Sir, Your affectionate and sincere Fnd. - Bacteria will thrive on table scraps and a few affectionate words. - Although Eddie is affectionate, his behavior often frustrates Tru because she feels as if she is unable to reason with him. - Selvam is very affectionate towards Vijay and he considers him as his son.
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