Delle In Sentences Example Of Delle In Sentences How To Use Delle In Sentences
Search your words in sentences Shootings were carried out by the photographer Perugini and some scenes were filmed in the countryside of the Murgia, near Cassano delle Murge. Augusto Vighi of the Istituto Superiore delle Poste e Telecomunicazioni. Per favore, per ulteriori prove, utilizza la pagina delle prove, dal momento che le voci vengono ripristinate rapidamente. The link is being improved to the south of Delle with a dual carriageway to meet the Swiss autoroute A16 currently being constructed. Meanwhile a well was dug by the Torre delle Ore. 1975 Repertorio delle biografie e bibliografie degli scrittori e cultori italiani di entomologia. As an amateur he raced in the Grassi Mapei team, and won a stage of the Giro delle Regioni. Molluschi e Brachiopodi delle grotte sottomarine del Taorminense. Hence, the ancient walls, still visible, continue with the names of Mura of Santa Chiara, Mura del Prato, and Mura delle Cappuccine, ending with a cliff overlooking the sea. The Museo delle Culture conserves most of the ethnic art that Serge Brignoni collected between 1930 and 1985. In 1911 the historical archive was merged with that of the municipality, and in 1925 moved again to the former convent of San Francesco delle Scale. ed elenco delle materie in esso contenute 1550. Apartenecen to our sociocultural association Latin American Magie delle Ande. Enumerazione e sinonimia delle Conchiglie mediterranee. Lazzarini, La Livorno delle Nazioni. On the ascent of the Colle delle Finestre, Kiryienka attacked and easily got clear of his breakaway companions, none of whom had any real climbing prowess. Catalogo delle collezioni permanenti 3. Bernardino also extended the earlier chapel by building a small church, which was also named Santa Maria delle Carceri. After his death in 1529 a monument was erected to him in the sanctuary of Sta Maria delle Grazie, outside of his birthplace of Mantua. Lista Rossa delle specie minacciate in Svizzera. In 1893, the federation changed its name to Lega delle Cooperative. The district has one of the major hospitals in Milan, the San Carlo, and part of two large city parks, Parco delle Cave and Parco di Trenno. Other nearby streets are Via delle Cave di Pietralata and Via del Casale Quintiliani. The hall was given the name of Teatro delle Muse, and became the main theater company of the Teatro Stabile di Catania. La laguna di Venezia dalla diversione dei fiumi alle nuove opere delle bocche di porto. Ditteri delle Marche e degli Abruzzi. Dizionario dei nomi delle orchidee. ;Fattoria delle Mura Now completely renewed, this big villa and the many houses around it were built ond a medieval tower. Obrasocial Bancaja gave us the permission to upload this image on Wikipedia, the source is La espiritualidad del vacio Khmer sculpture exhibition catalogue, Matthias Barmann, Felice delle Piane, Obrasocial Bancaja, Valencia, Spain. On his return to Parma, Orlandi applied unsuccessfully for the post of professor of singing at the Ospizio delle Arti. Liberatore, Nuove e antiche terme di Torre Annunciata, Annali Civili del Regno delle due Sicilie 6, fasc. Nuova rivista delle conchiglie Mediterranee. In 1996, Levine was cast as Young Roger in Whiskey, Riddles, and Dandelion Wine, an original screenplay by Delle Chatman, starring Jeff Wincott and filmed in Orlando, Florida. Descrizione delle conchiglie fossili di Gravitelli presso Messina. A tip off from a local friend took him off the beaten track to Piazza delle Vettovaglie. In 1919, the Catholic cooperatives split and formed the Confederazione delle Cooperative Italiane. The boundaries of this are taken as being the Via Appia Antica, the Via Ardeatina and the Vicolo delle Sette Chiese. Invited to participate in China Modern Art exhibition organized and held at Galleria del Palazzo delle Exposizioni in Rome, Italy. Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche. Paleontologia malacologica delle rocce terziarie del distretto di Messina studiata nei suoi rapporto zoologici e geognostici. Cavaliere della Repubblica italiana per il contributo dato allo sviluppo di ricerca delle scienze sociali. Elena Delle Donne scored 18 points, added 11 rebounds and had eight assists, while Nnemkadi Ogwumike poured in 24 points. Another notable clocktower, dating back to the 12th century, is found at the end of Via delle Forze Armate, at the corner with Via Ceriani. It was later called the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno. Congresso mondiale delle Biblioteche e di Bibliografia.