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Large Amounts Of In Sentences - Examples Of Large Amounts Of In Sentences

visibility 2 views calendar_month Apr 16, 2024
Search your words in sentences - When there is food and water, a camel can eat and drink large amounts of it and store it as fat in the hump. - The strip has large amounts of cursing and has been known to offend people. - Cromwell passed a series of Penal Laws Penal Laws against confiscated large amounts of their land. - He enjoyed the attention, charging large amounts of money for interviews and movie rights. - Machines for energy conversionconversion of energy contained in fuels to mechanical work or electric energy produce large amounts of waste heat. - The large amounts of hormones in the bodies of boys and girls during puberty can also affect their emotions. - It is also often used where large amounts of steel need to be formed, for example as structural steel. - The oceanic whitetip shark is mainly solitary and swims slowly, and is usually seen cruising near the top of the water column, covering large amounts of empty water, searching for prey or any food source. - In the 19th century large amounts of both tin and copper were mined in Cornwall. - Bioinformatics or computational biology is the study of large amounts of biological information. - Some bought up large amounts of the rich agricultural land, others organised the exploitation and modernisation of mines and harbours. - Large amounts of zinc metal are toxic. - Both missions have gathered large amounts of data about the gas giants of the solar system, of which little was known before. - This harsh response can cause death when large amounts of such cells are encountered after a blood transfusion. - Trawling is very easy way of catching large amounts of fish. - There are computational random number generators, generating large amounts of sufficiently random numbers. - Large coalition governments are governments that force leaders to appeal to large amounts of people to take power, such as through an election. - Rainbands in an extratropical cyclone can cause large amounts of rain or snow. - Aceh has large amounts of petroleumoil and natural gas. - This frog lives near rocky cliffs and steep slopes with large amounts of loose rock. - He used his large amounts of money to fund charities. - Very large amounts of surfactants can kill animals, but the amount varies depending on the surfactant. - Large amounts of copper are recycled because of its high value and the increasing depletion of worldwide copper reserves. - The breach caused hoses to be torn from two rubber storage tanks, letting large amounts of fuel flow down the hill. - Investors and suppliers trade contracts that promise the delivery of large amounts of heating oil before a certain date in the future, at a specific price. - These sheep are so named because they can store large amounts of fat in the tail and the region of the rump. - Some mice are also immune to large amounts of the poison. - The three rivers in the area have large amounts of glacial silt that is good for farming. - This is because humans have been using large amounts of fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when they are burned. - Most people with bulimia eat large amounts of food then make themselves vomit or purge. - The scientists said it would be easy to make large amounts of vaccine and large numbers of microneedle arrays to use on people. - The coming together of large amounts of dust over time leads to the creation of planets, the Earth, for example. - The Southwest has seen large amounts of growth in recent years, both the Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada areas are amongst the fastest growing in the country. - Competitions are held each year around the world and produce large amounts of revenue for the market interested in this sport. - He is drinking large amounts of alcohol. - Babies cannot digest some foods which adults can eat, including food with nut nuts or with large amounts of gluten, salt or sugar. - Its use as a food preservative helped large amounts of food to be stored, sent a long way, and eaten all through the year. - There may also be large amounts of other chemicals, similar to caffeine in Chocolate and other products of cacao. - During the recession, the government used large amounts of money to keep the banking and auto industries from falling apart. - Glands in the body make large amounts of thick mucus. - They are common in most environments where large amounts of salt, moisture, and organic material are available. - Many changers feel that large amounts of template code in an article makes it harder to read and edit, both scaring off new changers and deterring the lazy from making changes.
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