Permanently In Sentences - Example Of Permanently In Sentences - How To Use Permanently In Sentences
Search your words in sentences In 2012 the Ashmolean Museum succeeded in raising the funds to acquire it and keep it permanently in a public collection in the United Kingdom. Following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has permanently shut down eight of its 17 reactors. His art is often also a reflection of his younger life in the desert, before settling permanently at Ernabella. It was used for tournaments in Season 8, and then it was put permanently into use in Season 9. On tour, Gurewitz was replaced by Brian Baker, who would stay with the band permanently. The French were the first Europeans to live in Canada permanently. Diocletian ordered him to step down permanently. Many sites are now protected by fences or closed off to the public permanently. As operating systems became more complicated and took up more space, they began to be permanently installed on hard drives, which are faster and more reliable than floppy disks, and can store more data. She left Barellan and moved to Sydney permanently in 1965, when she was aged 14. They began the Haitian Revolution, which created Haiti, the first country to permanently ban slavery. No humans live in Antarctica permanently. West Ham permanently signed him in June 2013. There are no people living permanently south of the Antarctic Circle, but in Alaska, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and some other countries it is possible to watch the Midnight sun in the summer. With paint, the fluidity vanishes quickly and the surface sets permanently as water evaporates. By the time they reached a doctor a week later, she had become permanently blind in that eye. The condition makes the toe permanently bent, and resembles a hammer. He stayed with the band permanently. When it occurs, it will mean that those affected will permanently lose some of their hair. In the final print, the acacia gum permanently binds the pigments onto the paper. About 55% has been permanently cleared for agriculture, mining and urban development. I have permanently blocked the address given above from adding things anonymously; Account creation remains possible. Permanently subterranean salamanders have reduced eyes, which may even be covered by a layer of skin. They are found on practically every land area except permanently dry deserts and the frozen zones. He had worked in Cambridge since 1936, and moved to Britain permanently after the Anschluss, the Nazi takeover of Austria. During his speech, he made clear that, as far as he was concerned, the Olympics should be held in Athens permanently. Additionally, only certain individuals are allowed to permanently live on the island. The user has already been permanently blocked on regular Wikpedia for similar vandalism. April 21, 1989 and it permanently closed its doors in September 2015. The House also had the power to permanently expel a Member. In the early 1690s, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first of the colonies to issue the permanently circulating banknotes. Sivana panics and his father accidentally crashes his car and permanently breaks his legs. It was announced on June 17, 2015 that the park would permanently close on December 31, 2016. There are permanently manned bases on Antarctica. Mild intoxication usually is not permanently harmful. In 1917, he stayed in Litovel permanently. Rumi seems to have been permanently engaged in a search of divine inspiration and love. The revolutionaries permanently boycotted the trials due to the opposite result of their demand. Blake Hall was permanently closed in 1981. The first two were permanently stationed near Jerusalem and were called the Jerusalem Brigade and the mechanized Harel Brigade. But, if it has enough fuel, it may be permanently accelerated by its engine until it reaches escape velocity. Normal users cannot permanently delete a Wiki page. These are trusted and identified who can permanently delete edits of an attacking nature where the edits include personal information, libel or other serious acts that need to be removed even from administrator viewing. When Sharikov returns, the Professor and Bormenthal order him to leave the flat permanently. Some of the victims were left permanently disabled due to the injuries caused by the explosion. A police station was built in 2011, and state police are stationed there permanently. In 2012 the girls decided to quit acting permanently and focus on fashion.