Feathered In Sentences - Examples Of Feathered In Sentences
Apr 3, 2024
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- The fossil record shows that birds evolved from feathered theropod dinosaurs.
- Oviraptorosaurs are a group of feathered maniraptoran dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Period period of what are now Asia and North America.
- Blackbeard often fought wearing a big feathered tricorn hat, and with lots of swords, knifeknives, and pistols.
- Entirely hidden by feathers, and also their legs are completely feathered.
- About 40 genera of theropods are now known to be feathered.
- Recent projects at the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent have greatly expanded evidence of cultural practices.
- They have a frenulum to link the wings, and the antennae of the males are often feathered.
- Hill is arrested and is almost tarred and feathered before being forced to conduct the band.
- We used to say the dinosaurs were extinct, but they survive in the form of their feathered descendants.
- A feathered dinosaur is a dinosaur with feathers.
- The origin of birds lies in these small feathered dinosaurs.
- The Feathered Serpent Pyramid was the last large temple added to the Street of the Dead.
- Their legs are feathered down to the toes.
- From the fossil record, we know that birds are living feathered dinosaurs.
- It is probable that all coelurosaurs were feathered.
- It has yielded fossils of feathered dinosaurs, primitive birds, pterosaurs, and other organisms.
- The current flag was adopted in 1900, however the State Seal in the center of the flag was updated in 1985 to reflect the proper historical dress of a Seminole maiden, in the previous seal she was dressed in buckskin with a feathered headband.
- The Society attracted support from some women of high social standing who belonged to the social classes that popularised the wearing of feathered hats, including the Duchess of Portland and the Ranee of Sarawak.
- Like their ears, their tails are feathered with fur.
- Because feathers are often associated with birds, feathered dinosaurs are often touted as the missing link between birds and dinosaurs.
- The tail is also feathered with long coat.
- Silkied feathered birds are accepted in America and much of Europe.
- The eagle Aztec warriors, on the other hand, wore feathered helmets including an open beak.
- He has a beaked eagle head and a feathered body, with his human face located on his chest.
- Feathered palm leaf roofs are used in Dominica.
- The woman appears in a gown stretching from neck to toe, wearing dark glasses and a feathered headdress.
- Juveniles lack the red band and have fully feathered heads with dark irises.
- Crests, feathered legs and feet.
- These wings allow him to fly at speeds much faster than his natural, feathered wings.
- The Indian woman no longer has a feathered headdress, which female Seminoles did not wear.
- Her trap captures the Magic Knights by mistake, so she ponders whether to stretch their cheeks or boil them in a big pot, again wearing a feathered headdress and doing a war dance.
- They have distinctly scented leaves, and small flowers with blotched and feathered petals.
- Both species have mainly buff upperparts, an orange face and feathered legs and toes.
- The arista is glabrous or feathered.
- During construction and maintenance of wind turbines, the blades are usually feathered to reduce unwanted rotational torque in the event of wind gusts.
- Grouse have feathered nostrils.
- It has long pointed wings and tail and legs and toes are feathered.
- A gun fired over the feathered legions caused them to fly up in a great cloud and with a noise like a hurricane.
- They become fully feathered at approximately 70 days old.
- The tail is especially well feathered, and carried like a flag while the dog moves.
- He initially possesses a pair of organic feathered wings, each armed with sharp talons, and first appears competing in mutant cage fights.
- The article in general discussed feathered dinosaurs and the origin of birds.
- Nearby, in the same pit, he found pieces including a feathered tail and legs.
- 4 propeller feathered, stalled and abruptly dived from an altitude of approximately 300 feet and was destroyed upon impact in San Francisco Bay.
- The primary god of the prehispanic culture of the settling culture was Quetzalcoatl, or the feathered serpent, personified as a young warrior.
- The wind catches a number of wheels and feathered vanes fixed to a shaft revolving in bearings inside the casings.
- The propeller was feathered and the fire died down.
- Over time people began to ask if Dixon was going to marry the feathered couple.
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