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Activated In Sentences - Examples Of Activated In Sentences

visibility 561 views calendar_month Feb 16, 2024
Search your words in sentences - In 1993, the division was activated again as the 75th Division in the Army Reserve, and remains active. - Much behavior is genetically determined only as potential behavioral systems that must be activated and developed. - The United States Army activated Cudjoe Key Air Force Station in 1959. - Expecting for the storm, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency was activated as a trial run for the hurricane season. - However these were activated remotely by a defender lighting a very fast burning fuse at the appropriate moment. - These are activated when a blood clot forms. - He also activated around 1,200 National Guard troops, a 70member rescue team, six helicopters, and a team that brings food and water to affected areas. - On some browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, unicode does not seem to be activated automatically, so this template lets you force it manually. - It can also be activated by marijuana. - When Windows is first installed, there will be a little icon on the screen with a message asking for Windows to be activated. - A luciferin is activated by a luciferase enzyme. - When fibrinogen is activated to form fibrin, an enzyme called thrombin cleaves the fibrinopeptides off of the alpha and beta chains. - The Halos are actually giant super weapons, that when activated, will kill all life in the galaxy. - To make sure of this, Peter confesses to having activated the detonator by accident, so Bea apologizes them both. - The others have a special radio inside them that only makes phone calls when the phone is activated. - Activated charcoal can be used as an antidote for many poisons, but only poisons that were swallowed. - For example, activated charcoal can be used for some drug overdoses, and for some poisonings. - When they are activated, eosinophils release a cocktail of proteins from their granules, including heparin. - Chlorides are also used, but fluorides are generally unreactive, except with specially activated magnesium, such as Rieke magnesium. - GnRH activity is very low during childhood, and is activated at puberty or adolescence. - This may explain why, as the neurons are activated one after another, the colour change occurs in waves. - Activated oncogenes can cause those cells designated for apoptosis to survive and proliferate instead. - The user has 30 days to activate Windows and after 30 days, the computer will not run properly until it is activated. - Two of the bombs were triggered upon being picked up, another was triggered upon being opened, and the fourth bombing was suspected to be activated by tripwire. - In most cases, it is also activated by nicotine or cocaine. - Special commands can also be activated through a combination of keys. - When a muscle is activated it contracts, making itself shorter and thicker, thereby pulling its ends closer. - Activated charcoal will not work for every kind of poison. - When activated by a pathogen encounter, basophils releasing histamine are important in defense against parasites, and play a role in allergic reactions. - If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, vertebrates possess a third layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response. - Receptors can be activated by either endogenous or exogenous agonists. - Two that are often used to make water more pure are activated carbon and zeolites. - The reaction between norbornadiene and an activated alkyne is a cycloaddition. - Two of these levels can be activated by collecting a key. - Attachment is a behavioral system that is present at birth but that must be activated and developed. - Once activated, these cells move to the lymph nodes and become mature. - GnRH activity is very low during childhood, and is activated at puberty or adolescence. - Additionally, in 2001 and 2002, thousands of members of the national guard were activated at the order of their respective governors to provide additional security at airports. - There was no agent migration outside the building and the contingency plan was not activated. - These tonsils contain B and T lymphocytes which get activated when harmful bacteria and viruses come in contact with tonsils. - On 22 December 1967 the 97th United States Army Reserve Command was activated at Fort Meade, Maryland. - The corps had its headquarters established in May 1992, activated in October 1993 and declared operational in 1995. - The Forerunners disappeared after they activated the rings.
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