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Courtship In Sentences - Examples Of Courtship In Sentences

visibility 8 views calendar_month Jan 13, 2024
Search your words in sentences - It also has a less elaborate courtship dance. - After the hairs have the chemical on them, the male will use them during courtship. - They claim territory and are used in courtship and mating. - It might be thought that courtship only occurs in the kind of animals which have fairly complex brains, such as mammals and birds. - Another is the Great Crested Grebe, whose courtship dances were first described by Julian Huxley. - Birds with crests often use them to communicate with others and as a part of their courtship. - A courtship may be a private and informal matter between two people. - Male wrens pluck yellow petals and display them to females as part of a courtship display. - During a courtship, a couple gets to know one another. - In the more traditional forms of Christianity, this concept of courtship has been kept. - Salamanders also secrete poison from glands in their skin, and some additionally have skin glands for secreting courtship pheromones. - The courtship of the Great Crested Grebe. - His particular interest was bird behaviour, especially the courtship of water birds. - Courtship takes place in the afternoon. - The function of this courtship ritual is to attract a mate. - Until her courtship with Barkley, Jane Rucker Hadley had been a devoted Republican. - Courtship in animals is the behaviour by which different species select their partners for reproduction. - Many birds use beaks during courtship. - The average extent of a courtship differs quite a bit across the world. - Ostriches reared entirely by humans may not direct their courtship behaviour at other Ostriches, but toward their human keepers. - A courtship is a time in the relationship of a couple. - The male begins courtship by flying noisily, and then in a graceful, circular glide with its wings outstretched and head down. - Spiders generally use elaborate courtship rituals to prevent the large females from eating the small males before fertilization, except where the male is so much smaller that he is not worth eating. - Hall spent his career testing the neurological component of fly courtship and behavioral rhythms. - Courtship is a little different in these sharks and they are known to hold each other. - They had a strange courtship and he married her in 1833. - Bowerbirds are most known for their unique courtship behaviour. - Courtship may be entirely omitted, as in some cases of arranged marriage. - One function of display is in courtship. - However, as the Eliashevitz daughter did not return his courtship, he left her house and began wandering. - Later, she meets Lester on a train bound for San Francisco, is swept off her feet and, after a brief courtship, marries him. - Their courtship captured national attention. - During courtship display, the male forces air into the sac, causing it to inflate over a period of 20 minutes into a startling huge red balloon. - After courtship, the female enters the nest, turns upside down, and deposits her eggs on the ceiling, where they adhere. - The two began a courtship but did not marry until 1853. - If the person was not interested in the courtship then the discrete lack of reciprocation would be noticed only by the pursuer of the courtship. - Their spermatozoa possess a pair of flagella, and their courtship behavior is unknown. - During courtship, males emit loud coughs. - There they engage in spectacular courtship displays. - In the course of their courtship and marriage, he wrote over 400 letters to her. - The poems to Celia treat the urgency of courtship, making much of the carpe diem theme. - By bringing Romeo into the scene to eavesdrop, Shakespeare breaks from the normal sequence of courtship. - After several days of courtship and flirting, Angel makes love to Ayre one morning and he manages to stay awake. - The sexes are similar in appearance and courtship displays consist of rotating tails and wing waving. - The narrative blends her recounting of the circumstances of her childhood, courtship and wedding day, with reflections on those events. - If the other gerrid does not return the repel signal, then the bug knows it is a female and will switch to the courtship signal. - Courtship begins as the male and female puffin swim alongside on the water. - However their courtship is perpetually stuck at the very first step. - The breeding season is also unknown, but from observations of courtship and birds in laying condition, it started around April. - The female initiates courtship and may mate with more than one male.
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