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Top 10 Methods for Reading English Literature to Prepare for TOEFL iBT

1K views · Nov 24, 2023
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Top 10 Methods for Reading English Literature to Prepare for TOEFL iBT 1. Active Reading: Engage with the Text Reading passively won't cut it in TOEFL iBT. You need to actively engage with the text. How? Start by previewing the passage, scanning for headings, subheadings, and keywords. This gives you an overview of the content. Then, as you read, underline or highlight essential points. This not only helps with comprehension but also makes it easier to review later. And don't forget to jot down any questions or thoughts that arise. Active reading keeps you focused and enhances your understanding. 2. Build Vocabulary: Learn Words in Context A strong vocabulary is a game-changer in TOEFL iBT. But instead of just memorizing word lists, focus on learning words in context. When you encounter an unfamiliar word, don't immediately reach for the dictionary. Instead, try to understand its meaning from the surrounding words or phrases. This not only helps you grasp the word's definition but also its usage. And as you come across new words, make a note of them and review them regularly. Gradually, you'll see your vocabulary expanding. 3. Practice Skimming and Scanning In TOEFL iBT, time is of the essence. You can't afford to read every word in detail. That's where skimming and scanning come in. Skimming involves quickly going through the passage to get a general idea of the content. You're not focusing on every word; you're looking for the main points. Scanning, on the other hand, is about searching for specific information. You're not reading; you're just looking for keywords. Mastering these techniques saves you time and improves efficiency. 4. Understand Text Structure: Look for Clues Texts in TOEFL iBT often have a specific structure. Understanding this structure can give you valuable insights. For example, if you see a list of items, it could indicate a comparison or an example. If you come across words like 'however' or 'in contrast,' it's a sign of a contrast. Similarly, words like 'because' or 'therefore' indicate cause and effect. By being aware of these clues, you can better understand the author's intention and the overall message. 5. Take Notes: Summarize and Paraphrase As you read, don't just passively absorb the information. Take notes. But note-taking in TOEFL iBT is not about copying everything word for word. It's about summarizing and paraphrasing. When you condense the information in your own words, you're not only reinforcing your understanding but also making it easier to review later. Plus, during the exam, your notes can serve as a quick reference, saving you time and reducing the chances of missing important details. 6. Analyze the Author's Tone and Purpose In TOEFL iBT, it's not just about what the author says; it's about how they say it. The tone, or the author's attitude, can give you insights into their perspective. Is it formal or informal? Is it objective or subjective? Understanding the tone helps you grasp the underlying message. Similarly, identifying the author's purpose, whether it's to inform, persuade, or entertain, gives you a deeper understanding of the text's intent. It's like deciphering the author's code. 7. Practice with Authentic Materials TOEFL iBT is all about real-world English. So, it's essential to practice with authentic materials. This could include newspaper articles, academic journals, or even literature classics. By exposing yourself to diverse texts, you not only improve your comprehension skills but also become familiar with different writing styles and topics. And as you practice, simulate exam conditions. Time yourself, and gradually increase the complexity of the texts. It's all about building that exam readiness. 8. Join Reading Groups or Clubs Reading doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Joining reading groups or clubs not only makes it more enjoyable but also enhances your learning. Discussing a text with others gives you different perspectives and insights. You might notice something that you missed or interpret a passage in a new way. Plus, it's a great way to expand your reading list. You might discover new authors or genres that you wouldn't have explored otherwise. So, don't hesitate to join the reading community. 9. Review and Reflect: Learn from Your Mistakes After every practice session or exam, take the time to review your performance. What were your strengths? What areas need improvement? By analyzing your mistakes, you can identify patterns and work on specific skills.
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